Chapter 8 - Arrival

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When the SUV pulled up to the gate the guard gave them a hard look, "Can I help you?" He knew they were wolves and knew they were from the other pack. He couldn't remember their names, as it had been over twenty years since he was last at Midnight Forest, but he knew their faces.

"We're here to see my brother and to ask for asylum. We don't wish to be part of our former pack and wish to join. Harrison is not an alpha we want to look to. Contact your Alpha and Simone so we can talk to them." The four no longer could stand to be part of Harrison's pack. They had brought what they could but chances were good what they left would be destroyed or given to others.

The guard gave them a good look before glancing at his partner, he could smell her sincerity, "Go with them and ensure they don't have any weapons. Not going to have our Alpha shot due to stupidity." He sent to Damian that there were four females who had left the other pack. If this was happening, it was possible others would be leaving the other pack as well.

The other wolf climbed into the SUV and settled in the back as they made room for him. Before he realized it, he ran his nose up the neck of one of the females, "Mine, my mate." He leaned forward and pressed his hands against her shoulders and felt the tingles start.

She growled a warning at the other three females, "Mine!" she warned, before kissing him.

Orsina turned and headed in the cleared gateway, chuckling. The other two just stared.

Linking her brother, she gave him the news that they were within the boundary, being escorted in. And sadly, Vanni was losing his girlfriend. She felt sad for her brother's friend.  She got a mingled regret and amusement back, along with the relief.

Calling their guide from his new mate got her growled at, but he told her where to park. Stepping out of the vehicle, she stretched, and wanted to kiss the ground. Even the air smelled better here, so she settled for taking several deep breaths to relax herself. Serafina and Renata joined her, as their guard was wrapped up with Marilena, and they hadn't moved from the back seat.

Simone was doing her best not to laugh at the wolf. It had been so satisfying seeing some of the matings. It was good for the pack but somewhat annoying since they were going to be losing several wolves. Zane's pack wasn't going to miss them due to the numbers but it was going to draw the packs closer together and this one needed them more, "Oh hell, go get a room you two. I'll send a good meal up and if I see sight of you before tomorrow, I'll thump on both of you." She laughed when she was growled at, "Go, find a room and talk and learn about each other. Seen a few matings and not going to growl at you."

The other three were looking a bit hesitant as they were met by a senior she-wolf, "I'm Orsina, and this is Sera and Rena. That was Mari. We are asking for Asylum. I would like to see my brother. We are defecting from Midnight Forest. Not sure about Mari, but we had agreed to break our bonds all at the same time, and hopefully give Harrison a nasty headache." She commented with savage pleasure, "We had all wanted to join this pack when it was formed, but were not permitted. Damian and his mate know us." She had counted Danielle as a friend, and hoped to renew their friendship.

Simone glanced at the two new mates before looking at the other three, "Come, I'll show you to Damian and then to where the patrol is currently residing." She glanced at the two and noticed a junior wolf was taking charge of them and leading them into the house. Presumably they were being shown to his room for the moment.

When they reached Damian's office she led them in, "One of your pack found Mari as his mate. They are being taken to his room for the moment." She knew he would have sensed the change in bonds but better to let him know, "They indicated they are leaving the other pack and you know them. What do you want me to do?"

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