Chapter 9 - Attack!

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*Alert!* Damian ordered, *We are under attack by Midnight Forest!* He knew this would happen, even with Zane's notice. The last Alphas had left the day before, so the southern ones would be leaving Silver Peak or at Kataka by this time; too far to be of immediate assistance and likely outside of cell coverage for the next few hours.

They had just finished the changes to the pack laws, which went smoothly. Nobody had apposed the accepting the changes as he had put forward, so they had accepted them in bulk, instead of having to spend several days to accept each one individually.

His mate was contactingtheir nearest allies. Help beyond theenforcers they already had here on loan would be on the road in minutes. With the help of their Mind Healer, they hadbeen able to get more enforcers out, along with many of the females that hadbeen trained, but had not been allowed by Harrison to hold a rank.

All four of the females that had recently joined them were trained informally, if not experienced. Mari had requested permission to join her mate's work, so she could get experience. He had instantly granted it, not even needing the warning from his mate about declining.

The other three, he could feel, knew they were not good enough to fight, yet, were serving as a back-guard in helping gather the pups, elders, and other non-combatants. He sent them a quick approval of their actions, as they worked to organise those that had any fighting skills, and made sure those that couldn't were safe. Nobody was left behind. He blinked when they reported that everyone was accounted for. It had taken half the normal time to secure them. He sent them warm thanks, and would have to commend them to the pack. *Non Combatants are secure.* he reported to the pack, knowing that would ease the warriors' minds.

George hobbled to his Alpha, his legs in walking casts, a bow and quiver on his back, a sword and dagger on his belt, "Don't tell me to get to the safe room. I am going to stay inside here, and help coordinate. I know I'd be a liability in an actual fight." He said bitterly. He had nearly crawled out of the Medical. The energy from the eight new members, the hope the Treaty gave, and the help from the Mind Healer had all the wolves healing faster, as there were less mental injuries preventing the Pack Energy from being shared to help speed healing.

Damian nodded to those terms. The two of them stood over the map, and whatever came to them to mark the information that they had, and passed the orders to Simone, who was leading the attack. He doubted that Harrison would move out of the pack's compound; he hadn't left it in the time since this pack was made. At most, he would have Ugo take the lead, and from what he could see, Simone could easily take him down.

"If Harrison breaks from what is his normal ways, I will have to go." Damian warned George.

George nodded, "Understood, but I think you have a greater chance of growing wings that of him coming out." Both subscribed to the idea of planning for contingencies, and being ready for them made it less likely they would happen.

They both winced when they lost a wolf, but Damian immediately ordered reinforcements to support that spot.  It will have to wait till when the fighting was done to mourn them.


Simone finished sending the orders to the Ice Lake reinforcements, when she got a text from Backwater's wolves, "Blackwater ETA thirty minutes." She announced. "Silver Peak, and Kataka have Enforcers on the way, a bit behind them." Getting another text, "Adam has MacLaren wolves arrive, and are dispatching together, along with Nam Cho, and they have a police escort, so ten to twelve hours. They have three LAVs with them, including a medical evac one.

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