Chapter 5

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My heart was speeding at 200 miles per minute. I looked between Tony's men and Victor. I couldn't be the cause of his deadly fate. I swallowed hard and backed away from Victor.

"Don't hurt him. I'll go back with you."
"Princess, no."
"Victor, I'm staying."
"No, I'm bringing you home."
"Go", I whispered, looking at my feet.
"Go, Victor!"

Tony motioned for his men to lower their weapons. He grinned at me and pulled me towards him.

"I suggest you do what she says and leave before I change my mind."

Tony and I made our way back to his palace. He all but dragged me to the room that I was staying in. He pushed me down on the bed. I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt him grab my hands, but soon his hands were replaced by hard rope. I opened my eyes and watched him tie up my legs.

"I'll deal with you later."

He exited the room, leaving
me there. I began sobbing until I entered a restful slumber.


I entered Alexei's room. He was on his knees in front of the portrait of Valeria, his father, and him. His head hung.

"I failed you, Papa. They won. They beat us."
"What the hell is the matter with you? Get up. You are not weak."
"We lost, Victor."
"No, we haven't. We're going to find her. She's our queen and we need her. Now, tell us what are we going to do?"

He lifted his head and his facial expression hardened. His eyes dilated.

"I'm getting my queen back."


I began to wake up as I felt arms around me. I was moving. I squeezed my eyes shut, afraid of where Tony was taking me. I was laid down on something soft. The rope was being untied. I opened my eyes to see Tony looking down at me. He sat me up and began unbuttoning my shirt.

"P-Please don't."

His hands stopped. His eyes found mine and they were filled with anger and pity.

"I was giving you a bath."
"Oh. Th-thank you."
"He raped you, didn't he?"
I slowly nodded.

"I'll never do that."

I nodded again and he undressed me. He grabbed my hand and led me to his bathroom. It was just as big as his bedroom. He had my bath ready with bubbles and flower petals. Lit candles surrounded it. It was a sweet and relaxing environment. I sank into the tub. I moaned as my muscles relaxed. Tony grabbed a sponge from the cabinet under his sink.

He kneeled beside the tub and rolled up his sleeve, revealing many cuts and bruises. I grabbed it and looked at him.

"How'd you get these?"
"It's not important right now. Right now, you are all that matters."

He began scrubbing my face and then my arms and my legs. He scrubbed my torso. It was very relaxing. He made his way down my body and then he helped me out the tub.

He wrapped a towel around me and he dried my hair with another.

"You can sleep in here."
"Are you sleeping in here with me?"
"Yes. Doesn't Alexei sleep in the same room with you?"

I shake my head. He frowned and walked closer to me.

"How does he resist not lying next to you every night?", he whispered while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

He was standing so close that I could feel his breath on my forehead. His scent was deliciously intoxicating. I looked up at him as he stroked my cheek. I leaned into his touch. We stayed in that moment until his door swung open. Two women dressed in the same outfit stood in the doorway. One was older, while the other looked about my age. They held dusters and a broom. They must be Tony's housekeepers.

"Oh, Tony, I'm sorry. We didn't think you were here."
"It's fi-"
"So, who's this?", she said while looking me up and down.

I blushed and shook her outstretched hand.

"I'm Valeria."
"I'm Aria and this is my grandmother Camilla.", she said excitedly.

"Hello Sweetie. Are you living with us now?"
"It looks like it."
"Umm, ladies, if it's okay, I think it's time for Valeria to get some rest."

They both nodded and exited the room. Tony handed me a white button-up shirt. I put it on and lay in bed. He cut the lights off after blowing out the candles in the bathroom. He lay beside me.

"Goodnight Angel."

He kissed my forehead as I fell into a beautiful slumber.

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