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Chapter 14: Riding The Wave


It's been 3 months since Tony entered his coma.

I barely left his side. I was scared that he was going to wake up without me beside him.

I talk to him about my day and how I feel, not knowing whether or not he can hear me.

"Everyone keeps saying you're going to wake up soon, but they don't know that. Nobody knows that. They keep looking at me with pity. Like my dog just died."

"Tony, I need you to work with me here. I need you to get better for me. For your family. It's so quiet here."

"This wouldn't have happened if I never ran away from Alexei."

"Why did you run away from him?"

I turned to see Giovanni standing in the doorway.

He walked over to me and sat in the chair across from me.

"Alexei was planning to kill me. I overheard him talking to your brother. Victor tried to talk him out of it, but Alexei was set on it. I went to my room and grabbed money and clothes. I climbed out my window and ran."

He showed a look of horror and anger.

"On my way here, I decided to change my look to make sure Alexei didn't recognize me, so I decided to get my hair dyed blonde and I bought some contacts."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"It's not your fault that Alexei attacked Tony."

"He's dead and he's still keeping us apart."

"Well, at least now there will never be another Petrov to plot mass destruction on mankind."

"I don't know about that."

He gave me a confused look.

I stood up and lifted up my oversized T-shirt, revealing my stomach, which had a small bump in it.

"I'm pregnant."

Giovanni eyes grew big as he looked from me to Tony.

"Is it Tony's?"

"I don't know. Alexei... H-He r-raped me two days before I ran away."

He grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that."

"It's okay."

"Why don't you set up a appointment with Dr.Bing. He's one of our live-in doctors. He's the best."

"I just want to wait a little longer. I want Tony to be beside me when I find out."

"What if it's Alexei's?"

"Then Tony and I will figure it out."

"You know what he's going to do when he finds out you're pregnant, right?"


"He's going to propose.", he said with a grin.

I laughed uncontrollably at what just came out his mouth.

"That's ridiculous. We're definitely not there yet. I don't know if we ever will be. I love Tony, but I don't see myself married to him."

"Seriously? You don't plan on ever becoming Mrs. Valeria Andiacchi?", he said with a light chuckle.

"Definitely not."

I wrapped my hand around Tony's.

"He's everything to me already. I don't need a little piece of paper telling me something I already know."

"You and Tony definitely need to have this conversation."

"If he ever wakes up."

"When he wakes up."

"Stop saying that."


"Stop giving me false hope. You've been saying he will wake up for 3 months now."

"Because he will."

"I can't keep waiting. He's never going to wake up."

"You can't give up on him."

"Everyone else has. They look at me as if he's dead."

"He's in love with you. He never stopped loving you."

"I can't do this. I have to go."

I kissed Tony's cheek.

"I love you, Ton-."

I gasped as I felt a squeeze on my hand.


"What happened?"

"He squeezed my hand."

Giovanni walked closer to Tony and I.

"Tony, can you hear me?"

He squeezed my hand.

I began sobbing in his chest.

"I miss you so much."

Giovanni rubbed my back.

"I've been taking good care of her, Boss and now that you've heard everything, I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about when you wake. We're doing our parts, so we need you to do yours."

Tony squeezed my hand harder.

I turned to Giovanni and hugged him.

"He's really going to be okay."

"I told you. I'm going to get the doctor."

Giovanni exited the room. I pecked Tony's lips.

"You're going to be okay.", I whispered.

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