Chapter 13

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I looked around on the floor for something to help Tony. I found a gun near my feet.

I picked it up and shot the man in front of me. He fell backward, his gun falling out of his hands. I ran towards Tony and finally got a look at his shooter's face.

Alexei. I killed Alexei. My warden, my abuser, my husband. I killed him.

I heard Tony gasping for air. He sat in a pool of blood. I fell to my knees and wrapped my arms around him.

"T-Tony say something. Please, don't leave me here."
"I l-love you. You're everything I-I ever wanted, my beautiful girl."
"No, you don't get to say goodbye to me. You're gonna be okay. Someone help!"
"They can't hear you. Go get help."

I nodded and ran upstairs.

"Someone help! I need help!"

Staff members along with Tony's men popped out of the rooms.

"T-Tony needs help! Please help!"

Men ran past me as they rushed to Tony. Aria held onto me tightly. I cried into her chest as she rubbed my back.

"He's going to be okay, Valeria. He's strong."
"There was so much blood..."

The men ran back upstairs, carrying Tony on a gurney.

"Where are they taking him?"
"To the infirmary. We can go in a little while, okay?"
"I want to go now."
"Valeria, give them time to help him. Come on, let's go to your room."

We walked to my room.

"I shouldn't have left. This is my fault. I should have stayed here like Tony wanted."
"Valeria, there is no way you could have known."

I fell to my knees and sobbed. Aria wrapped her arms around me.

"They're going to help him. He's going to get better. I promise."

Hours passed and I heard nothing. Aria fell asleep beside me hours ago. I snuck off the bed and went downstairs to the infirmary.

Giovanni was waiting at the door.

"Valeria, he needs to rest."
"Please, Giovanni. I need to see him."

His eyes softened.

"Make it quick."

I ran past him and went into the room.

Tony was lying in the bed. He looked terrible and in pain. Blood stained his clothes. He was covered in bruises that I didn't notice earlier.


He turned his head towards me. He tried to lift off the bed.

"Don't move. You'll hurt yourself."

I sat on the edge of the bed. I began sobbing as he held my hand.

"I thought I lost you."
"I love you so much."
"I love you too."

I looked up at all the machines hooked up to him.

"Alexei is dead."
"We can finally be happy with no one plotting to steal you away from me."
"I promise when I'm all better I'm going to take you and we're going to go on a trip. Just us."
"I'd love that."

He smiled and leaned in to kiss me, but the kiss was interrupted by one of the machines going off.

I turned to Tony to see him lying completely down, eyes shut.


No answer.

"Giovanni! Help!"

Men and Women in long white coats, along with Giovanni, rushed into the room. I saw them rip open his gown and start pressing on his chest. Giovanni grabbed me and took me outside.

I tried to run back to Tony, but Giovanni was like s brick wall.

"Valeria, please stop. Tony is going to be fine. He's okay."
"Stop telling me he's okay. We don't know that. Nobody knows that. I lost him. I finally get him back and I lose him."
"Valeria, Tony needs you. We all need you. I've never seen Tony this happy. You lightened his dark soul. He needs you to be strong."

A woman covered in blood stepped out.

"Mrs. Petrova, Mr.Andiacchi's brain began to swell, and to stop it, we've had to place him in a medically induced coma. He could be in this coma for hours, days, weeks, and/or years."
"Is he going to be okay?"
"He should be."
"So, you don't really know."
"Valeria, they're trying their best."
"Well, it's not good enough."

The doctor left me standing there.

"Valeria, I know that you're upset, but annoying the hell out of the doctors won't help."

I nodded. 

All I wanted was my Tony back. Now, I have to focus on getting him to wake up. But no matter how long it takes, I will be the first thing he sees when he wakes up.

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