Chapter 9

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"Get the hell off my wife."

I looked up to see Alexei and Victor standing at the door, both armed with guns which were pointed at Tony and I.

Tony stood up and pulled me off the bed. I squeezed his hand tightly.

"Get out of my house. "
"Not without her or without your blood splattered on these walls."

He took a step closer.  Tony stood in front of me.

"What?", he said through gritted teeth.
"Take me home. I wanna go home with you."

Tony looked down at me.

"What about us?"

"There is no us. There never was."

"But I love you.", he said as he stroked my cheek.

Alexei walked to us and pressed the gun against  Tony's head.

"She's my wife. She belongs to me."

"She's not a trophy."

"Come on, Valeria."

Alexei lowered his gun and reached his hand out for me. Tony grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

"Don't leave me."

"Tony, I love him.", I whispered.

"I love you."

"Come on, Valeria."

I cleared my throat and backed away from him.

"Why would I stay with a dirty Italian? I can't wait to get home with you, Alexei."

I could see all of Tony's hurt and pain in his eyes. It broke my heart, but that's how it's supposed to be.

"Should we kill him?"

Victor pressed his gun against Tony's head.

"You don't have to do this.", Tony whispered.

"No, Victor. I have other plans for him."

Victor withdrew his gun. Tony let out a strangled breath as Victor forced him to his knees. Alexei pulled me into a long, deep kiss.

"Until next time.", I heard Victor say.

Alexei pulled away and then he grabbed my hand and all but dragged me to the car.

"We're taking you home, princess. We've missed you."

"I've missed you too, Victor. Thanks for trying to save me before."

"Don't thank me. You sacrificed yourself for me. I'll be eternally grateful."

I smiled at him in response.

"Alexei, how did you find me?"

"You'll find out once we get home."

Tony POV

I thought she loved me. We connected. She made me feel something. It was all a lie.

I punched the wall in front of me.  My phone started ringing. It was Giovanni.


"Boss, Alexei Petrov called off the attack. We all can go home. We're packing up now."

"That's great. You all can go ahead on home. I'll be here for a few more days."

"What? Haven't you and Valeria had enough of each other?", he chuckled.

"He took her."

"What do you mean he took her?"

"Alexei took Valeria from me once again."

"Look, I'm saying this as your friend. She's his wife. You're better off not dealing with someone like that."

"Someone like what?"

"She's a Petrov. They're a dangerous clan."

"There used to be a time where your allegiance belonged to them. Hell, I should be questioning you on how in the hell they found us."

"That was a long time ago and I would never put you in harms way. You know that. My loyalty lies with you."

"You better hope it does."

I hung up. I couldn't bare speaking any longer. I just needed to figure out how to get her to tell me the truth. At least I wouldn't be too shut out from her. What Alexei didn't know was that Albert wasn't my only spy.

Unknown POV:

I watched as Alexei basically dragged Valeria upstairs. He was probably going to punish her again. I hated not being able to do anything about it, but what could I do? 

I saw my phone light up and a familiar number popped up on the screen.


"It's time."

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