Chapter 10

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His hands made their way around my throat.


He squeezed my throat as he groaned my name.


He got off of me, panting, and forced my mouth on it. I squeezed my eyes shut.


After realizing that I wasn't going to cooperate, he grabbed my hair and forced me to bob my head against it.


He groaned and pulled my hair as I tasted a salty liquid on my tongue.

I immediately pushed him away and spat on the floor.

He kicked me.

"Did I tell you to do that? Now clean it up. Fucking whore."

Says the guy who couldn't even last 87 seconds. I chuckled at myself before I grabbed a tissue and wiped it.

"You've been different since you've been back."
"What do you mean?"
"You don't love me anymore."


"That's not true."
"You changed while you were with him. It's like you replaced me with him."
"Well, Tony is my fiancé..", I mumbled.
"What did you say?", he said while making his way towards me.

His hands found my throat once again.

"Don't you ever say that name in my house ever again."
"You mean my house. My name along with my father's is on the deed. This house belongs to me."

He hit me with the back of his hand. I stood still. I kicked him and attempted to take off for the door, but he grabbed my arm and forced me to the ground. I heard him unzip his pants.

"This is what happens to bitches who don't behave."


It's been weeks since I last held my princess. I just can't get her last words out of my head.

There is no us. There never was.

Why would I stay with a dirty Italian?

She broke me. She left me alone and bleeding. I didn't realize how important she was to me until she left. I don't understand how she can be with him after all he's done to her.


I turned to see Giovanni standing at the doorway.

"You've been in here for weeks. We have work to do."
"Leave, Giovanni."
"No, Tony, this shit ain't healthy. Come on, when's the last time you showered?"
"2 weeks."

He gave me a concerned look.

"Get up, man"

I shook my head as he stood up.

"We need you. You're never gonna get over her looking like this. Definitely not smelling like this."

I sat up on the bed and looked up at him.

"I don't want to get over her. I want to be with her."
"You really loved her, didn't you?"
"Of course, I loved her. Who wouldn't? She's everything I've ever wanted in a woman."
"She made her decision, Tony. She loves him. She's happy."
"He still beats her."
"How do you know?"

I clenched my jaw and looked away.

"You're hiding something from me? Me? I'm your best man. Hell, I'm your best friend."
"Valeria is my fiancé. A long time ago, before we were even conceived, a truce was made between my parents and Valeria's parents. To seal the deal, the first son and daughter of both the Italian and Russian Mafia Boss were supposed to be wed and end the rivalry."

I could tell that he was still confused.

"Valeria and I are those children. Both families agreed to it until Valeria and I were about 7. The Petrov family, Alexei's grandfather in particular, convinced the Bout family, Valeria's family, to revoke the truce and Vladimir Bout, Valeria's Father, listened to the Petrov's and broke the truce."
"So, the Petrov's already knew about Valeria before Alexei and her even met?"

I nodded.

"I bet their whole "meeting" was set up. That family wants the feud between the Russians and Italians to continue."
"Does she know this?"

"I still don't understand how you know he's beating her."
"Well, she told me, but I have a few spies in the Petrov manor. They report back to me and they've told me how he beats her almost daily."
"Tony, how long have you been spying on her?"
"Since she married Alexei. It was a month after meeting him."
"This isn't healthy, Tony. You have to stop this. You have to move on."
"Alexei Petrov is the most dangerous man I've ever come across. Do I wish there was a better way to end the feud? Yes, but the only way to end it is to kill off the whole clan."

"Does that include Valeria?"
"She made her choice. I can't save her."

I took a deep breath, realizing for the first time that I needed to let Valeria go.

"So, what are you going to do now?"
"I'm going to kill every last Petrov and end his bloodline for good."

Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Petrov.

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