Chapter 78

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(((June 8, 2017)))
Nicole's POV

"Parker." I sung as I tried to wake him up. "Time to get up, honey."

Parker groaned as he turned to lay on his back. "What time is it?"

"9:30." I answered.

"Ah, shit." Parker groggily said as ran his fingers through his hair as he sat up. "I guess we need to get back to the mine."

"Yeah, I still have to get my things and drive back." I said.

"And Hannah's riding with you, right?"

"Yeah." I yawned. "I know you don't want me by myself."

"Sure don't." Parker said. "I don't want anything happening to you and the baby."

I smiled. "You're going to be a good daddy."

Parker scoffed as he was putting on his jeans. He smirked, "I don't know about that."

"You are." I smiled as I wrapped my arms around him. "I know you are."

"You really think so? You think I can take care of somebody other than myself?"

"You take care of me and the dogs." I said. "You're going to be a good dad and don't let anybody tell you different. You already love the baby more than anything."

"Sometimes I don't know if I'll be a good dad, you know?" Parker admitted. "Like I know I'm busy a lot, and I have no idea how to raise a kid."

"And you think I do?" I chuckled. "I'm just doing what your mom says I should do. We're learning together."

Parker looked at me and smiled before changing the subject. "I bought that trailer for you and you won't even be up there to live in it."

"But..." I smiled. "Next summer, I can live in it and it'll be with the baby."

"Our baby." Parker smiled as he put one arm around my shoulder.

"Yep, our baby." I smiled as I leaned my head on his chest. "You really think I'm going to be alright?"

"Of course." Parker said. "Nothing is going to happen to you or the baby."

"I hope not."


"Hannah!" I yelled. "Come on!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Hannah said hurriedly as she came walking down the hallway.

"You two might have to stay up there for tonight. I don't want you girls to be driving at night." Parker said.

"We'll be fine." Hannah said.

"Yeah, Parker." I agreed. "It's better driving at night. There's hardly anyone on the road."

Parker mumbled something as he grabbed his keys and said, "Come on!"

"I swear, sometimes I wonder if he's the woman in this relationship. All the mood swings." I said to Hannah as I grabbed my purse.

Hannah laughed. "Are you riding with me or him?"

"I don't know." I said as we walked out the front door. "Parker!" I called.

He turned around while he was walking to his truck.

"Do you want me to ride with you?" I called.

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