Chapter 82

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We walked into the bedroom and saw the doctor setting up a machine. Probably a baby monitor or ultrasound machine or something. I didn't really care at that point. I walked over and sat on the bed, waiting for him to tell me something.

"You feel bad, huh, Nicole?" The doctor said with an Asian accent.

"Yeah." I nodded as I wiped my eyes. "I just started bleeding in the bathroom."

The doctor perked up from what he was doing on the machine and eyes me over the top of his glasses.

"A lot?" The doctor asked.

"Not that much, but it was really red and it was more than just spotting." I explained it as best I could.

"We're worried about it." Parker piped up as he was standing on the other side of the doctor, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and one fist covering his mouth.

"I don't think you two have anything to worry about." Dr. Pojol stated as he typed. "There's a lot of reasons for bleeding besides losing the baby. But of course, we're going to monitor the baby and do an ultrasound."

"Alright." I sighed.

"Lay down and lift your shirt up to show your belly and we'll do the ultrasound." Dr. Pojol instructed.

I did so, and Parker came and laid beside me in the bed. The doctor wheeled the machine closer to the bed and sat down by  the end of my legs. The monitor powered up as he rubbed the cold jelly stuff on my stomach.

"See, guys? There's your baby." Dr. Pojol said as he looked up at the screen. "And there's the heartbeat. Your baby seems perfectly fine. You can both breath a sigh of relief."

Parker smiled at me and he released the tight grip he had on my hand. He had relaxed a little.

"Then why am I hurting so bad and bleeding?" I asked him.

"The abdominal pain is normal in pregnancy. I can prescribe you some Tylenol or Motrin, because your other doctor doesn't want you taking ibuprofen. Although between me and you, I don't think one would hurt. It's only in excessive doses that it may harm the baby." The doctor explained. "Same for the headache. It's all normal for pregnancy. Some days are worse than others. But as for the bleeding, it could be a number of things, some concerning the baby."

"Can you find out what it is?" I asked.

"Of course." The doctor said as he gave me a wipe to wipe the jelly off my stomach. "Have you had any sexual intercourse lately?"

I looked at Parker and smirked.

"Last night." I told Dr. Pojol.

"That may be the cause. Many pregnant women experience bleeding up to 72 hours after sexual intercourse." Dr. Pojol explained as he was turning the monitor off.

"But it hasn't happened before." I pointed out.

"Yes, well, it could be something else then. You could have a UTI or another type of vaginal disease. But I assume that you've not had any STD's?"

"No." I shook my head. "I couldn't possibly have one of those."

"It could possibly be a UTI. Sometimes women bleed with a UTI. It's certainly not uncommon. Although, I would need a urine sample to know for sure." Dr. Pojol said.

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