Chapter 105

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(((August 19, 2016)))

"Come on, you and Pays can come to Vegas. We'll be there for a whole week." I told Hannah on the phone as I was sitting on the couch surrounded by clothes that needed to be folded.

"I don't know if he'll be down for it." Hannah said. "He might have to work, and I don't know if I can get that week off."

I scoffed as I put the phone on speaker and set it beside me, grabbing one of Parker's tee shirts to fold. "Hannah, I haven't seen you two in like, forever. I forgot what you look like."

"Well, you know, I dyed my hair pink and Payson shaved his head and eyebrows and he looks like Elmer Fudd now." Hannah joked.

I laughed as I set the folded shirt in a pile before grabbing one of my shirts. "See? I need to see y'all."

"We look the same as we did before, Nick." Hannah chuckled. "I'll try to convince Payson to go up there for two or three days."

"Yay!" I smiled. "Oops, I forgot Parker was on the phone. I better be quiet."

"Who's he on the phone with?" Hannah asked.

"I don't know. I think he said it was Tony." I said.

"Ew." Hannah said.

I chuckled. "The asshole landlord. I guess he's going to have to go give him his 15 or 20%."

"Taking your money." Hannah said.

"Parker's money." I corrected.

"Which in turn means it's your money. Payson's money is my money and my money is my money." Hannah explained.

I chuckled as Parker walked into the living room. I looked up at him and smiled, "Hey, babe."

"What?" Hannah said. "Oh, you were talking to the rat, weren't you?"

"Rat?" Parker smirked as he walked by me into the kitchen.

"Yeah, Hannah says you look like a rat." I told him.

"He does!" Hannah said.

"Do not!" Parker objected as he walked back into the living room and sit down in his chair with a water bottle.

"Do so!" Hannah said.

"Hannah, stop." I chuckled. "No he doesn't."

"I will send you a picture of a rat and put Parker right beside it and tell me he does not look like a rat." Hannah said.

"You look like a chipmunk, Hannah." Parker said.

"Do not!" Hannah said.

Parker chuckled as he took a bite of the pork chop I had made last night. "I'm not arguing with you, little girl."

"Because you know I'm right." Hannah said.

"Guys, quit." I chuckled as I folded a pair of Parker's jeans.

"So when are you going to be through up there?" Hannah asked.

"Like, the mining season?" I asked.

"Yeah." Hannah replied.

"About two months." I said.

"Yay, then you're coming down here, right?" Hannah said.

"I don't know. We'll see what happens." I said.

"You better come see me." Hannah said.

"You and Payson can go to Haines!" I said.

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