Chapter 98

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(((August 3, 2016)))

When I woke up this morning, I was alone in the hospital bed. It was the first time I've woke up alone in a bed since Parker and I made up after our fight in March. It felt strange, and I definitely knew something was missing.

But Parker wasn't far away. He was passed out in a chair by the window. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. He was sprawled out, his legs going in different directions, and one arm behind his head while the other one dangled off the side of the chair. His head was leaned back, and it looked like just about the most uncomfortable thing I've ever seen. His hat was on the floor below his head, and his mouth was wide open while he snored. And that was my boyfriend, everyone. Even though he acts like an ass.

I smirked as I opened the camera on my phone and took a picture of him. Definitely a keeper.

Then I noticed the plastic bag on the table beside the hospital bed. When I looked through it, I saw that it had a peach MinuteMaid, a bag of sour patch kids watermelon, and a bag of Reese's pieces. Parker knew that I loved all those things. I smiled at him before opening the drink.

He always took care of me.

I was eating Reese's pieces and scrolling through Facebook when Mom and Dad knocked on the door before coming in. Parker was still passed out in the chair. There's no telling when he came in last night.

"Hey." I said as I was commenting on Hannah's recent post of her and Payson together. "What y'all doing?"

"Just thought we'd come see how you were doing." Mom said sweetly as she sat on the end of the bed

"He still ain't up?" Dad said loudly on purpose as he sat in a chair.

"No." I sighed as I locked my phone, setting it in my lap. "I've been up for two hours and he hasn't moved barely."

"Why didn't you throw something at him and yell at him to get up?" Dad smirked.

I shrugged. "Didn't feel like it. I took a picture of him though. Don't he look funny all sprawled out in the chair?" I smirked.

"Yeah." Mom smiled as she looked at him.

"I thought so." I chuckled. "You want some?" I held the bag of candy out to Mom.

"I'm good, honey." She declined.

"Alright." I shrugged. "Dad?"

"Sure, give me some of that." Dad smiled as he held his hand out.

I smiled as I dumped some candy in his hand. "Parker went and got me this last night sometime."

"That's sweet." Mom smiled.

"Yeah." I replied.

The next thing I know my water had broken, and the doctor and my nurse were rushing into the room. Parker jerked awake and immediately came to my side and held my hand. Mom and Dad were told to wait in the waiting room, and Parker was allowed to stay with me.

"Parker, I'm scared." I frowned after I had finished my first real contraction.

"I know." He said as he brushed a piece of hair out of my face. "You can do this, alright?"

"Don't leave me." I said as I held his hand tighter.

"I'm not, baby." He said before kissing my cheek. "I'll be right here."

I wiped a tear from my eye with my free hand.

I had to do this.


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