Chapter 80

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(((June 14, 2016)))

Nicole's POV

"I know, Chris. That's terrible." I said as I was helping Chris with the clean out and talking to him. "And you talk about her like she's the best thing in the world."

"She is." Chris smiled. "She didn't deserve to have cancer, you know?"

"Yeah. I'm sure she'll be alright, though. Just keep praying about it." I said.

"Yeah." Chris smiled. "Well, thanks for the help, girlie." Chris gave me a side hug as I was finishing up the gold on the grill.

"No problem. I wasn't doing anything else. And I know the doctor said for me to take it easy, but I just can't do that." I smiled. "I have to be doing something with my hands or I'll go crazy."

Chris laughed. "Well, the gold room is easy work. Why do you think they put me on it after the back surgery?"

"True." I smiled. "I'm sure I'll be fine. Especially with the doctor in Dawson now."

"Of course you and that little baby is going to be fine." Chris smiled. "Parker's not letting anything happen to you two."

I smiled. "You can say that again. He's constantly telling me not to worry, to not overdue it, to rest whenever I need to. And I'm like Parker, I'm pregnant not dying. I can do whatever I want to. That's why I'm up here."

Chris chuckled. "At least it shows that he cares, right?"

"I guess." I smiled. "So what are you going to do now?"

"Go refill the fuel in all the equipment. You wanna tag along?"

"No, but thanks." I smiled. "I have to get back to the house and wash some clothes before I start cooking dinner."

"Alright then. Don't overdo it, now." Chris winked.

"You either." I smiled as I walked away.

I sighed as I walked into the house. I was alone again.


"Hey, Kayleigh!" I smiled as I watched her face pop up on my phone in FaceTime.

"Hey!" Kayleigh waved. "What are you doing?"

"Just sitting here. I got clothes in the washing machine and dryer. And I got a big pot of spaghetti on the stove." I said.

"I want some!" Kayleigh smiled.

I chuckled. "Well, come get some."

She smiled. "I wish I could. So how's the baby?"

"I think the baby is doing really well." I nodded. "We had a bit of a scare last week, but it's alright now."

"What happened?"

"The doctor said that I'm high risk. And that I needed to be closer to a real hospital. So I thought I might have to leave the mine and stay with Parker's parents. But everything worked out and I'm still up here." I smiled.

"So the doctor made a mistake?" Kayleigh asked.

"No, but we got a doctor to come up here and be on call 24/7. It'll be just like I'm ten minutes away from a hospital."

"Oh, well that's good." Kayleigh nodded. "That pregnancy announcement, though."

I chuckled. "That was what we made with very limited resources up here. Me and Hannah did. It was kinda last minute, because we had to announce it that night because we thought I had to leave and tell everyone why I'm leaving. But when we told everyone, Ed spoke up about the doctor idea and he set it all up and everything."

The Miner's GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora