Chapter 21- Dumme Schlampe

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Nezi's POV

Hidan's being a dummkopf. Ree and I would scream bloody murder when he left some of his bloody limbs somewhere eerie and dark, but can be easily seen. I may live in a world full of common, daily murders, but both of us still hate horror after all these years.

It was so creepy: Hands wiggling in a pile of blood, dragging itself towards the first living thing (That's us). It's like a hand from hell and would drag you with it. In retaliation, I sliced through his neck and hid his body while I kept the head in a box. It was kinda noisy so I duct taped his mouth

Haaaa~ Peace and Silence. 

I lounged on the chair of the hotel we are staying in. Hidan brought us everywhere, yet no where. Ree's outside buying some snacks for us today and hopefully 3 days after that. 

I grimaced when the peace and silence was disturbed by none other that the girl I just spoke of. She slammed the door open and took a deep breath, trying to regain some oxygen. I raised a questioning eyebrow at her.

"I felt it!!" She exclaimed after regaining her breath. "I found one and rushed as soon as I can!" She said. I nodded and followed her, ignoring the muffled screams of complaints and curses. I ran out of the hotel and after her. 

We landed in front of a girl, who was extremely surprised and screamed. When she calmed down, she gave a haughty and irritated glare. She tapped on the ground impatiently

"Explain why are you in my way. " She demanded. She didn't bother the question mark in her words. I did not like her type. Just like I don't like most of the characters of Ranma ½ when I've only watched about 15 chapters before I died. Even some of the characters I've heard, but never seen; I got irritated at their antics. I especially hate XianPu for her damages and never paying for it. Hey, I value money. 

I don't even like Nabiki, nor do I like Akane. Nabiki is a shrewd, %itch while Akane is a hypocrite who believes that she is always right. 

This girl, is definitely that girl that I don't remember well. The cheating, hypocritical, gymnastic girl.

"I just wanted to confirm something " I said in English, stepping forward. She was once more surprised, but poised her nose upwards, as if looking down on us. 

"Well?" She sneered. 

"Well, you're reinca-" Ree started before being interrupted by that ugly's shout of "Well, I know that!!". Ree started to frown before smiling once more. But it was strained. She started trying to explain things to the girl, who sneered and interrupted each and everytime Ree spoke. 

"I'm in a baby cartoon show!??!" She gasped in disgust. I frowned even more. 

"It isn't a baby show. We are in one of the most deadliest anime shows ever made. Sure it made it so little kids could see it, but we are in reality. Slavery, drugs, killing, kidnapping, robbing, war,  human experimentation, torture and rape still occur in here. Except, it's 5000 times worst." I informed her. Her face turned pale, but I didn't care. 

She still insisted that anime was for babies, and that it was also daily occurrence back in the world. She also insulted us by saying that we are weeabos. 

I snapped. Because weeabos are just disgrace. They usually claim that they know everything and would try and correct a real Japanese in how to live their own lifestyle and basically mock Japanese.

It is mocking to the Japanese who doesn't even do most of that thing. 

"Shut up" I glared at her, activating my Byakugan for a good measure and tactic of intimidation, which frightened her....a lot. 

"Freak!! You freak of nature!" She screamed while pointing at us, tears of fright appearing. Ree frowned and leaned closer to me

"Why is she allowed to be reincarnated?" Ree asked rhetorically, which I decided to answer anyways, so I shrugged. "Paperwork problem?"  I joked weakly, before the both of us started to focus on the brat. "Anyways, she must be a mistake" I stated

I held up a kunai and took a stance, Ree started to follow my lead. "We'll have to fix that"I said darkly. We lunged at the screaming girl.


I opened the window to our room and we snuck in. We took turns to take a shower as well as clean our clothes. Shinobi fabrics easily wash any stains. I feel lucky as it could easily wash away the unwanted thing that occurs every month.

I wrapped a towel around my shoulder to keep my hair from making my back wet. I washed my clothes in the kitchen sink while Ree was taking a shower. 

I noticed that it was too quiet and I seemed to be forgetting something. I finally remembered what I forgot and dropped the clothing, washed my hand, and headed towards the place where I kept the box. 

It was too quiet. He must have given up on shouting. So I opened the box and saw Hidan's head sleeping. I giggled and went to fetch his body as well as a thread and a needle. 

I sewed his head and body together without him waking up by putting my healing chakra to numb the part and wiped the blood away. 

I bridal-carried him into the bedroom where the three of us shared a twin bed with him getting his own bed. I tucked him in and closed the door.

Ree hasn't finished showering, so I headed towards the kitchen sink and continued to wash the blood out of my clothes. The blood of the virgin. Lol


Eh, A new chapter I guess. I may be okay with seeing dead bodies in real life and such, but I'm very, very weak in jumpscares. But ghost horrors, I'm also pretty bad with it. I mean, it pops out in the middle of nowhere. I can explain about human killers, but ghost killers are even more scarier. 

And I hate weeabos. It's like an insult to your culture basically. Perhaps those who lives in Japan for a long time would understand. 

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