Halloween Special

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Nezi's POV

YEZZZZZ!!!! I FINALLY CAN CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN!!!! Without those already dead imbeciles saying and I quote " Holidays are useless as is birthdays" 

I ninja-hopped towards Ree's and Lee's house and burst open the door. But Lee is almost never home because he is out training

"Yo, REE!!!" I shouted

"Yeah!!?!" She called out from her bedroom which is closed

"TODAY IS THE HALLOWEEN!!!" I shouted. I heard some running steps and Ree burst open her door with sparkles in her eyes

"Halloween!?!" She exclaimed

"Yup" I said and she became all giddy and all those hyper-active <shat>

"What movie should we watch!?!?" She said

It was a rule everytime we had Halloweeen. We watch movie, eat candies and snuggle in our blankets while clutching the pillows. We don't go trick or treating. We rather stay at home.... Or rather I. We had been so busy that over here, they don't even have holidays!! Just the freaking Kyūbi festivals. 

We were always out when there was halloween and we had to make sure not to make ourselves suspicious. 

"Hmmm.... The ring? Texas Chainsaw? Paranormal Asylum? Exorcist? Scream? Chucky the doll? SAW? Paranormal activity? Orphan?" I suggested

"Welll...... I don't know!!! I was thinking Grave encounters, The entity, Mother's day, wrong turn, Unborn? I don't know!!" She exclaimed while swinging her hands.

"Okay. Wanna invite someone too?" I told her. We grinned eviliy


Part 1

"Nezi? Why did you tie us up here?" Neji asked me as he awoke. 

"Neji!! I think it is a youthful exercise for us to escape out of these binds right Gai-sensei?!?!" Lee shouted

"Yes!!! I do think it's youthful!!" Gai-san shouted... youthfully

"What you all are about to witness horrifingly scary. It is just a fraud where special effects of acting are in here. So please, do not attack the TV or anything. Just stay still." Ree smiled while there was an evil tone in it.

"Are you kidding me? We are ninjas, what is there for us to be scared off?" Ten-ten said bravely


"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Came all the stimulous shoutings from the house. Everyone looked at the Hyūga compound but unfortunately, whoever came in there had nightmares of the darkness and the quietness. Well, some.

Poor unfortunate souls, they had to go to a therapy, whose therapist looked wide-eyed at the information and had to be put into a Pro-therapy.

They all panted while still being traumatized. Neji was wide-eyed while struggling to get off the chair and out of this place, Lee and Gai-san had fainted a while ago while Tenten was foaming on her mouth and is out-cold. We had shown them the ' The Ring' and ' Paranormal Activity', They were screaming like crazy. Ree and I were laughing at their expressions while laughing at the sad attempts.

Dad and Uncle had came in but immediately fled out as soon as they saw Neji's horrified and teary face. Gai, Lee and Ten-ten had immeditaley fainted because they got shocked by them barging in and they were scared.

I laughed and laughed at their expressions. After they were untied, Neji ran away dragging his teammates and sensei. I got Ibiki and Anko to watch with us. They got a sadistic smile along with me as we watch 'Texas Chainsaw', 'Texas Chainsaw massacre' and 'Friday the 13th'

The next day, they, meaning Team 9, avoided us. They had a secret meeting which I snuck in by accident that everytime it's Halloween and they heard me shout "IT'S HALLOWEEN PEOPLE!!!" They will run to the Hokage and request for a C-ranked mission.

Dad and Uncle scolded me for traumatizing my brother's team but I grinned maniacly and suggested if they wanted to watch to. It was funny watching them pale and run away with tails between their legs.

It was funny, threatening the others to see a first time horror movie. Though I might get nightmares.... I might have to bring Shikamaru, Choji and Sasuke here to see what are their expressions and thoughts about it. I might have to bring Orochimaru.... But not let him see the scientific stuff like the Human centipede and stuff...-Brrrr- I like it to stay fiction please


Part 2

I got Shikamaru, Choji and Sasuke tied up in my room. Sasuke groaned while starting to be awake, Shikamaru blinked owlishly while Choji was all freaked out.

"Please. Do refrain from struggling while watching this movie" I said

"Movie?" All three of the stimulously said, a curious tone rolling of the foreign word. 映画, I learnt it as Eiga. Meaning moive.

"Yes, and you will witness a horror more horrifying from being in the shinobi careeer" Ree informed them

And soon ,they soon screamed. I was shocked. Not for Cho but Sas and Shika. Seeing them scared was a shocking sight. Even Ree was looking at them. But, In the end, Sasuke and Shikamaru was brain-dead, might need some therapy for them, and Choji had fainted Halfway through the movie. After the movie finished and the second we untied them, Choji woke up and fled along with Shikamaru and Sasuke. We watched only on. 'Orphan' and ' Paranormal Asylum'


Part 3- Somewhere in the future-

Sasuke and Kabuto were there, Sasuke was a bit scared but calmed down, saying it wasn't a big deal.

Orochi-chan is nowhere to be seen. Ree and I had taken the left side of the couch while Kabuto and Sasuke got the rightside. We were going to watch the ring. Kabuto's hand was shaking and flinching the whole time. Wow, for a person who does experiments to other people, he seriously is scared. Probably his motto is ' If I don't do it myself, it wouldn't be terrifying. At least all they would be is wounded, dead or pale.

"Hn, this is boring. Wouldn't it just be better if the girl came behind the person?" Sasuke asked. We all looked at him when a shadow loomed over us.

"What are we watching?" The shadow who had bloodshot, baggy eyes. Almost similar to the one in a meme I ever read. 

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Kabuto and Sasuke shouted, foamed at their mouths and fainted. Ree was shell-shocked but I was all like

"Hey, Orochi-chan" 

He got confused as to why they fainted while Ree was shocked

"Well, we are watching horror movies" I explained

"Ahhhhh..... So what are we watching?" He asked

"Aaaaaa, The ring" I answered

Died then turned into Neji's Twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now