7: Tangled

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I think I finally figured out why I don't fit in at this school. I need a new wardrobe. I still dress like a ten year old and everyone here dresses like they just stepped out of a vogue magazine. Even Hazel.

She is like forever changing her sense of style. I think she's bipolar. She just recently ditched the blue highlights for some curls and now dresses like one of those girls from 'The Lying Games' or some show.

Now I feel slightly ashamed to even stand by her, but at the same time special for her wanting to be my friend.

But all that is going to change because I've finally convinced my mom to let me shop at one of those really expensive teen shops at the mall.

You know one of those places where the sale girl dresses like Hannah Montana and have pierced belly buttons, blond highlights and phony smiles?

Right now I was in the dressing room trying on a pretty little dress that I found just hanging there. It was gold and sorta sparkly, it stopped two inches above my knee which was totally mom approved.

It was of a Y cromosone and a spaghetti strap. While I was embracing the dress that clung tight on my body somebody poked their head through the curtain.

I looked back wide eyed and saw the sale girl smiling at me. "Is everything okay?" I just stared at her blankly and tried my best not to slap those highlights out of her head!

I could have been half naked and she is coming in here uninvited and unannounced asking me if I'm okay! "I'm fine." I replied and turned back around. Over all. This dress is SO pretty! Must buy it.

I quickly got changed before my mom lost her marbles and headed to the register. I handed the lady the money and then went on my way.

I know its unusual for a sixteen year old girl to say this but... I HATE the mall! It is filled with people holding hands and kissing and laughing and having fun everywhere you look!

It makes people who don't have boyfriends, or friends, or people who can't even go shopping without "adult supervision" feel like crap. People like... Me.

I sighed inwardly and set for the food court. I was seriously hungry and my mom was gonna be back from wherever to get me so that we can go home.

I stood in the pizza line and to my misfortune was right in back of Mr. and Mrs. PDA. I rolled my eyes and looked at my feet.

Why do I always have to be the only one lacking something? If its not one thing its another. I swear, if I see another person making kissey faces in here I'm gonna scream!

I looked up as it was now my turn in the line and ordered one slice of pizza and a sprite. I looked to the left of me and and saw Jake with his new girlfriend. Screaming. Now.

I paid for my things and tried to walk away quickly before he saw me... I want to say mission accomplished, but with my luck...

"Hey! Emma!" I stopped dead in my tracks turning around slowly to face them plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Hi Jake..." I smiled at him and then looked at the figure beside him. "Lucy." I waved and she smiled at me.

"What are you doing here?" I shrugged.

"You know just... Shopping... Nothing special." I smiled and then furrowed my eye brows. I find myself doing this a lot lately.

"Cool. You know. We were just gonna grab something to eat, you... wanna sit with us?" I looked from him, to Lucy, looking for signs that I shouldn't. But there was none.

She just stood there smiling like there was no tomorrow. My eyes slightly widened. He sure knows how to pick 'em. I inwardly sighed and shrugged. I guess it can't hurt.

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