16: Crazy

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"Jake. We're supposed to be doing our project." I looked over at him from the coffee table on the floor. He was standing by our tv doing God knows what.

"I know. I'm looking for something."

"What could you possibly be looking for?"

"The remote. Duh!"

"Why don't you try, under this enormous pile of junk you made?" He stopped looking through the desk drawer in the sitting room, and walked over to me, knocking all the paper down to the floor. "what do you need it for anyways if we're doing homework?" He shifted through all the stuff still and I sighed.

"Because I wanna watch a movie." I groaned and put my head down on the table. How can somebody. Who is such a dork be SO careless! I looked back up at him, seeing if I could convince him.

"Jake. I don't wanna fail. I need to get out of the tenth grade. And I'm pretty sure you need to go to college. So can you please pay attention?" He grabbed the remote which, was right in front of him this whole time, and waved it in the air.

"I found it!" I groaned and threw my head on the table again. He wasn't listening to a word I said! The doorbell rung and I stood up.

"That's the pizza. Can you please?" I pointed to the work as I left and he rolled his eyes.

At the door the pizza hut guy was waiting and I blinked, as I realized who it was.

"Devin!" I grinned, and he smiled back at me.

"Hey Emma!"

"What are you doing here? I mean. I didn't know you worked at a pizza place."

"It's sort of a hobby." He shrugged and I eyed him skeptically.

"Why would delivering pizza be a hobby? N-never mind. How much?"

"Eleven bucks" I reached in my pocket and pulled out a twenty.

"You have change?" He nodded and then handed me the pizza. I cannot believe I am buying this. We have perfectly good food in the fridge! All of a sudden, Jake came up behind me.

"Emma! What's taking you so long? I thought the pizza guy kidnapped you."

"Why would a pizza guy kidnap me?" I looked at him in pure annoyance, and he shrugged.

"I don't know. Because?" I rolled my eyes and Devin handed me the change.

"Here's your change Emma."

"Thanks Dev." He stared at me and Jake as if trying to figure something out, and then after a while back at me. He smiled and I raised a brow. Okay. He's just being weird. Jake cleared his throat almost angrily and I sighed.

"Well. Your services are no longer needed. You can go!" He shot at Devin.

"Jake!" I yelled and hit him on the arm.

"What?" I gave him a look and he shrugged. "I'm just saying. Nothing personal." Devin laughed and I looked at him.

"I understand. Later guys." I waved and Jake just stared. Rude. Just rude.

"Bye. See you at school." With that I closed the door. As soon as I turned around I glared at Jake.

"That was mean." I said sternly, and he smiled.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it! Two more seconds of that staring and I would've dropped kicked his ass." I bit my lip to keep from laughing and then walked back to the living room.

I was going back to my recent position when he grabbed my hand and tried to pull me to the couch.

"No!" I yelled.

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