14: Know Your Frenemies

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Hello ! Ladies and gentlemen ! (you know who you are)




Noah's POV

I was standing in the kitchen, thinking about the turn if events that could happen today. I didn't tell Emma that Ian was coming, because I know she wouldn't come. It's the same with Ian vice versa.

I have no idea why they hate each other so much. I looked at Jake and then back down at the table. I had guessed that he was still upset about Lucy, so I invited him too.

When he told me they broke up, I tried to be a little sympathetic, but it was so hard because I just don't like her! And will probably never understand why he did.

That girl has the biggest mouth in the history of mankind. And she is SO irritating! I met her once and vowed to NEVER do it again!

Ashlyn invited herself, of course. But I didn't really mind. I mean she wasn't really that bad if you got past her snobby personality, and her overinflated ego, and her addiction to partying, and the fact that she has the IQ of a giant plastic bag. And yes that seems a little harsh, even for me but it's the truth. The harsh truth.

Emma came downstairs and I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. She looked like a disaster. No exaggeration.

"What are you two doing here?" Jake looked at me and I shrugged.

"We're going to the movies remember?" I asked her, raising a brow.

"What I remember. Is you telling me at night. So why are you here now?"

"There's been a slight change of plans." I say calmly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Really? A slight change of plans?" She snaps and I stared at her in confusion. Is it just me, or is she SUPER cranky right now? We both stared at her flatly, and she sighed.

"Well I can't just roll out of bed and GO! I'm a GIRL. Do you see me?" She pointed to herself.

"Well maybe you should go fix that," Taunted Jake. I doubled over in laughter and he smirked at her. She glared at him and then walked away.

"I'll be down in a minute."


"What is she doing here Noah?" Ian was really devastated when Emma, and my brother was here.

"It's funny, Ian. She said the exact same thing about you." He scowled and I rolled my eyes.

"I just wish you would have told me she was coming." He rolled his eyes, and I sighed.

"You didn't say that about Ash." I stated.

"She's our friend."

"And Emma is my friend." He sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Noah. She's a child." He emphasized the word 'child' and my jaw clenched.

"I don't understand what you're getting at." My jaw clenched.

"I can see we're gonna have to take this slowly. Emma is what we like to call a loser," I was about to say something against that but he held his hand up. "I mean she's cute no doubt, but that's really all she'll ever be. And I'm just saying you can't hang out with us and her at the same time. That's not how it works."

"You're saying that I can't be her friend anymore? That's ridiculous! She's my best friend! She's been my best friend since birth!"

"And I understand that. But some things just don't go together."

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