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The three year old slowly opened the bedroom door and peered inside. Once he saw his dad sound asleep, his left arm hanging off the edge of the bed, he opened the door fully and tiptoed his way in. Once he was by the bed, he started to shake his dad's hand. "Daddy! Are you awake?" He whispered and waited for a reply. When he got none, he started to shake his dad's hand more. "Daddy!" He whispered, but at a slightly louder volume.

Jimin groaned and opened his eyes just enough to look at the little boy in front of him. He lifted his head to look at the clock which read 6:45 am. 15 minutes before his alarm was scheduled to go off. "Jiho, why are you awake right now?" He grumbled as he plopped his head back on the pillow.

"I couldn't sleep."

Jimin sighed and sat up slightly. "Come on. You can cuddle with Daddy until time to get up." He helped Jiho climb up on the bed and pulled him into his chest.

He began to doze off again when Jiho spoke up. "When's Mommy coming back?"

He opened his eyes and looked at Jiho, seeing the innocence in his eyes. "I can't answer that right now, buddy."

"But you will?"

Jimin sighed again. "Maybe one day." He ruffled the boy's hair. "Now can you let me sleep until the alarm goes off? Some of us actually need sleep."

Jiho giggled and nodded. "I'll be quiet."


"2 strawberry milkshakes, Tae." Jimin said as he walked up to the counter, setting his notepad down.

"Coming right up." Jimin looked around the 50s style diner he had been working in since he found out Jiho was on the way. His eyes flew to the door as he heard the bell chime, ready to greet customers, but stopped when he saw that it was just Jungkook.

"What are you doing here? Your shift doesn't start for another 30 minutes." Jimin said as the younger male walked up to join them at the counter.

"I thought I would come a little early, give you a little extra time before class." Jungkook leaned against the counter and watched Taehyung finish mixing up the shakes.

"Thanks, but I don't have to leave for another 45 minutes." Jimin said, looking at the clock which read 2:00. "My class doesn't start until 3:30."

"So Mila is picking up Jiho from school today?" Taehyung asked as he pulled out the can of whipped cream and the jar of cherries to put on top of the shakes.

"She's supposed to be." Jimin's phone started ringing, Mila's name displayed on the screen. "Speaking of the devil..." He muttered as he answered the phone. "Hello?"

"I can't pick up Jiho today, you need to do it."

Jimin rubbed his forehead in frustration. "I can't. I have class today, and you know that."

"Well, something has come up and I can't do it."

"Fine, I'll just miss class. It's not like it's almost finals week and I'll be missing anything important." Jimin hung up the phone in annoyance.

"I guess you're picking Jiho up." Taehyung said as he handed the finished shakes to Jimin.

"Yep." Jimin grabbed the shakes and left to take them to the young couple in the corner of the restaurant. As he walked up, he overheard them talking about their upcoming graduation from high school. "Oh, you're about to graduate? Any plans for afterwards?"

"Well, we're going to the same college, so we were planning on spending the summer apartment hunting so we can live together." The girl smiles sweetly at her boyfriend.

"As someone who graduated a few years ago, can I give you some advice?" The two nodded. "Wait to get married. It doesn't matter how in love you are at the moment, just don't get married straight out of high school. Don't do it." He walked off, leaving the couple shocked and confused.

A/N: New book! I'm very excited about this one! What do you guys think so far?

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