Chapter 12

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"Daddy!" Jiho jumped in his father's arms as he answered the door.

"Hey, buddy!" He kissed him on the head, then set him down, telling him to go play.

"I don't know why we're still doing this, in a few weeks he'll be mine anyway." Mila said, crossing her arms.

"You're pretty confident, aren't you?"

"I'm sure Namjoon has told you-"

"Yeah, yeah, the mother always wins, whatever. You have no case against me, I've never done anything to Jiho." Jimin stated, looking behind him to make sure Jiho wasn't listening in.

"It'll be my word against yours. Who's the jury more likely to believe?"

"If you dare to tell the judge that I've laid a finger on my son, do you really think they wouldn't interview Jiho himself to find out? Using professional children's psychologists and people with experience in interviewing abused and neglected children to be able to tell if he were lying?" Jimin pointed out, shutting Mila up instantly. "But good luck with your tactic. I'm sure it'll go great." Jimin closed the door on her without another word and went to his son's room.

He walked into the room smiling, only for his expression to change when he saw what was in Jiho's hands. "Don't play with that." He rushed to his son, taking the pocket knife out of his hands before sitting on the floor in front of him. "Where'd you get this from?" He asked.

"Mommy gave it to me." Jiho answered. "She said it was her grandpa's."

Jimin put the item in his pocket. "Well you need to wait until you're a little older before playing with it. It's sharp, and you could've gotten hurt."

Jiho pouted, thinking that he was in trouble. "I'm sorry, Daddy."

"It's okay, I'm not mad. You didn't know." He pulled his son in for a hug. When he pulled back, he smiled at the young boy. "Do you want to color?"


After an hour of coloring to distract Jiho, Jimin moved some of the papers away until he found a clean sheet of paper and grabbed a pen from the table. "What'd you do when you were at Mommy's house?" He asked nonchalantly, not wanting to make it sound like he was interrogating Jiho.

"Played in my room." Jiho answered, still drawing on his paper.

"Is that all?"

Jiho nodded in response. "Mommy doesn't like it when I leave my room. She says I interrupt her and Joonie's adult time." He stopped coloring and looked up at Jimin. "What's adult time?"

Jimin looked up from where he was taking notes, trying not to show any emotion like Eunsook said, so that he wouldn't worry Jiho into not talking anymore. "It's...uh...something you'll learn about when you are an adult."

"Does Daddy have adult time? Is that what you do with Miss Eunsook when I'm not there?"

Jimin felt his face heating up. "'s not talk about that right now. We're talking about you." He reached over and tickled the little boy, successfully distracting him. "When do you get to leave your room?"

"For breakfast and dinner. And to go potty."

"What about lunch?"

Jiho shook his head. "After breakfast, Mommy gives me some snacks and sends me back to my room. When I come and ask her to play with me, she says she's busy, so I stopped asking." Jiho got quiet as his facial expression switched from happy to sad.

Jimin decided he'd asked enough questions for that day. "What are you working on over there?" He scooted across the floor to Jiho and picked him up to set him in his lap.

Jiho picked up the paper and held it up for his dad to see. "It's our family."

Jimin grabbed the paper from his hands and looked at it. "Why are there two little boys?" He lowered to paper for Jiho to see, too.

Jiho began pointing at the stick figures on the paper. "That's you....and me....and Biwoo....and Miss Eunsook." He smiled up at his dad. "Our family."


"And Mila wasn't in the picture he drew?" Taehyung asked during their lunch break.

"I asked him about it, and he went 'oh', then quickly drew another person on the far side of the paper away from us." Jimin replied, taking a bite of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich that Jiho had insisted on making for him, with Jimin's help of course.

"He doesn't even think of her as family, yet she's trying to take him away from you, and actually thinks she'll win?" Jungkook chimed in.

"She's sleeping with her lawyer, of course she's convinced she'll win." Jimin set his sandwich down and rubbed his face. "When did life get so complicated?"

"When you agreed to marry Mila for the baby's sake." Jimin turned to glare at Taehyung. "What? Was that supposed to be a rhetorical question?"

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