Chapter 13

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"Why are you dressed like that?" Jiho asked, swinging his legs as he sat on the edge of Jimin's bed, watching him get dressed.

"Because Daddy has a very important meeting today." Jimin answered, straightening out his tie and joining Jiho on the bed. "And while I'm gone, Miss Eunsook and Biwoo are gonna come over to play with you."

Jiho stood up on the bed and started jumping in excitement. "I can't wait!!" He stopped jumping, landing on his knees on the bed. "I'm gonna go get my favorite toys for him to play with." He climbed off the bed with Jimin's help and ran out of the room. Jimin chuckled at his son before exiting the room himself. He entered the kitchen and grabbed his file off the table, checking to make sure he had everything he needed for the court meeting. He heard the knock on the door as he was putting the file in his bag.

"Where's Jiho?!" Biwoo asked as soon as the door was open.

"He's in his room waiting for you." The child ran off as soon as Jimin finished speaking, leaving him and Eunsook alone.

"Are you ready?" She asked him, noticing how tense he was.

"As I ready as I can be, I guess." Jimin bit his lip nervously.

Eunsook grabbed his hand in a comforting gesture. "You'll do fine. I'm completely confident that they won't take him away from you." She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek before turning to head to Jiho's room, when Jimin stopped her by grabbing onto her arm.

He pulled her back to him and pressed his lips to hers. It was a sweet, short kiss that only lasted about 10 seconds before he pulled away again. "For luck." He whispered before leaving the apartment.


"So this is just a small hearing to hear both sides of your story." The judge said to them. "You'll both make your claims and hopefully we can figure things out without having to take it to a trial." She looks at both of them before continuing. "Now, Ms. Choi, you're wanting to gain full custody of your child because you feel that Mr. Park is neglecting him?"

Namjoon spoke for Mila. "Mila here came to me expressing concern because of certain instances that she feels endangers the child. The most recent being when Jimin gave his child a weapon to play with."

Jimin held back an outburst as the judge turned to him, gesturing for him to provide his defense. "What weapon? Are you talking about the pocket knife that he brought over from your house, that you gave him? Because I took it away the second I saw he had it and put it up where he can't find it."

"It's true, your honor." His lawyer spoke up. "We had his apartment checked over when he first called us, and anything that could possibly endanger the child was locked away in secure places."

"Ms. Choi, Mr. Kim, are the two of you providing false information and evidence against Mr. Park just so this will go in your favor?"

"Of course not, your honor." Namjoon rushed to speak out.

"Yes, I did give Jiho the knife." Mila cut in, surprising Jimin. "It's been passed through my family, and he was curious about it. I put it in his backpack, telling him to give it to his father the second he got to his home, but Jiho told me that Jimin said it was okay for him to continue to have. We should have been more clear with our wording."

What? Jimin mouthed, looking at the two again. "That's not true at all. You haven't even seen Jiho since you dropped him off the day I took the knife away."

"Stop lying, Jimin. We know that you're just trying to make me look bad in order to keep my son away from me."

"You mean the son that you keep locked away in his room purely so he won't 'bug you'?"

"I have no idea where you got that from! I can't believe you're making false claims!"

"Oh, so Jiho's lying to me now?"

"He's 3! 3 year olds exaggerate!"


"Not about things like this!"

"Excuse me!" They both shut up and looked at the judge. "Can we move on with this?"

"Gladly." Mila smirked before continuing. "Jimin, would you like to inform the judge that you've been sleeping with our son's teacher." Even the judge rolled her eyes at Mila's claim.

"For the last time, I'm not sleeping with Eunsook. Even if I was, show me the law that says I can't."

"There isn't one." The judge pointed out.

"I still don't want my son around that woman. I don't trust her, the way she was judging me."

"She wasn't judging you, you were just being extremely rude the first time you met. And what's not to trust? She's his teacher at preschool, and she's a foster parent! Obviously there's nothing wrong."

"Why am I not surprised that you're defending the person you're seeing."

"At least I'm not fucking my lawyer just so I can win a case!" The room went silent and Namjoon's eyes widened.

"Mr. Kim. Is this true?" Namjoon began to stammer, trying to get words out. "Are you sleeping with your client in return for lying in court to help her win her case?" At Namjoon's silence, the judge made her decision. "Mr. Kim, you are officially now on a leave of absence while you are investigated, but I would go ahead and pack up my things if I were you, because I don't think you'll ever come back from this." She turned to Mila. "As for you, I'm granting Mr. Park temporary full custody of Jiho while you are under investigation. Some very interesting points were brought up during all of this chaos, along with the fact that you're obviously not very trustworthy." She stood up. "Now get out of my face, I'm tired of looking at y'all."

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