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One Year Later

"Trust me, I'm completely fine with my current lifestyle of having no strings attached." Yoongi's voice rang through the hallway, surprising Jimin with the fact that he was already at the center that early.

"I miss Biwoo already!" The now 4 year old Jiho whined as he and Jimin walked into the classroom. "Now who will I play with?"

"Jiho~" Eunsook greeted him. "Biwoo only went to Kindergarten. You'll see him after school is out." Jiho continued to pout as Jimin signed him in.

"Besides," Yoongi chimed in, "who needs boring old Biwoo when you have me?" He playfully poked Jiho's cheek multiple times until the boy let out a laugh. "Why don't you and I go play with the piano mat?"

Jiho cheered and started to run to the music center. "Wash your hands first please!" Eunsook reminded him, and he immediately changed course to the sink, Yoongi following behind to help him.

"Yoongi's here already?" Jimin asked, wrapping an arm around Eunsook's waist. "Doesn't he usually like to give his music lessons in the afternoon?"

"Yeah, but he decided to bring one of his toys home last night, successfully waking up Biwoo and causing him to ask questions this morning, so as punishment I made him come in to open the center with me."

"That sounds about right." He laughed before lightly kissing Eunsook.

"I hope you're not neglecting children so you can canoodle with your boyfriend, Eunsook." The couple break apart at Seokjin's teasing. "Especially when Yoongi is the one watching the child." Seokjin playfully whispered.

"I heard that." Yoongi glared at him as Jiho ran along the piano mat, making different notes ring out.

"I should probably go anyway." Jimin pressed a kiss to Eunsook's cheek before calling his son's name. "I'm going to work."

Jiho ran over to give his dad a hug. "Have you asked Sooky to marry you yet?" Jimin froze as every adult's eyes widened.

"What are you talking about?"

"Last night you told Tae Tae you were gonna ask her to marry you today. Is that why she was kissing you?"

"What is this about you proposing, and why was my blessing not asked for?" Yoongi joined the group.

Yoongi's question broke Eunsook out of her daze. "Because you're my best friend, not my father-and don't even think about it!" The smirk that always appeared on Yoongi's face when he had a dirty thought fell.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go see what BamBam's making for breakfast, it better not be that weird pancake on a stick thing again." Yoongi grumbled the last part as he left the room.

Feeling awkward, Seokjin start stuttering. "You know, I, uh, I have some paperwork to do for the, uh, licensing people, so, uh, yeah." He rushed out of the room, leaving only the couple and child behind, who ran off to the art center.

"And then there were two." Jimin whispered, feeling awkward as Eunsook's cheeks turn red as she finally realized what had just happened.

"So..." She started, clearing her throat. "You're gonna ask me to marry you, huh? Because I'd totally be okay with that if you were."

Jimin let out a laugh. "I actually had planned everything out, Tae was gonna watch the kids, and I was gonna make dinner, but I guess Jiho's way is good too." He scratched the back of his neck, feeling flustered.

"I mean, you could totally still do all that, and I'm not just saying that because of the food." She giggled, reminding him why he'd decided to propose today. "I'll just act like Jiho said nothing and be surprised when you pull out the ring tonight, okay?"

"That sounds great." Jimin smiled. "I really have to go to work now." They waved at each other and he turned to leave. He stopped in the doorway and turned back. "By the way, I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner, just you and me tonight. I can get Tae to watch the boys."

Eunsook laughed at how quickly he acted. "That sounds great, I'll see you this afternoon." She waved again as some of the children began to arrive.

A/N: And that's it for this book! Thank you to everyone who's read and enjoyed it!

And yes, there will be a sequel. I'm not going to tell you much about it, because I kind of want to keep it a surprise until it's out. But I do have a very important question. I am planning on their being sexual implications/content in it so here's the question: do you want detailed smut or do you want the smut to be left as just implied? I'm okay with either, it's up to you readers.

Keep a lookout for the sequel, and I'll also make an update here when it's out!

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