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Chapter Nine- Reaching Out (Logan’s POV)

Chris. That fucker.

We all watched in horror at what was happening, she was scratching her skin, which looked as if it were burned and we tried touching her but that made it worse.

“Don’t touch her, sir. It only makes it worse, sir,” said a small child in a meek whisper. We looked to see Rainy’s son Bailey, not looking at any of us in the eye then turned around to go back to the bunk bed he had been placed on.

Before he got to far I asked, “Has this happened before?”

He nodded his head, “yes sir, all the time.” 

She was still screaming when suddenly we hear a bone break and a loud screech of pain joining it.

“She’s shifting Logan, Oh God!!! She doesn’t have the strength for a shift. We need her in human form to help her!!!” Abby said in a complete panic. “We’re in a bus Logan! She can’t shift in here!”

Before we could do anything else she immediately stopped screaming, but her bones are still breaking for the shift.

I scoop her up and teleport back to my house and lay her down gently, almost five minutes later a horse-sized wolf is on the bed.  Even in her wolf form my Rainy was in bad condition, her wolf coat was thinned out probably from continuous exposure to wolf bane, she was practically a skeleton. Many pieces of the rags she was wearing were now surrounding her in pieces. What was worse, her heartbeat was very shallow. Even though it was 3am I called to the pack doctor through the mind link, calling him to my house. All my attention was focused on her, had been focused on her, God how I had missed her, but I knew she was out there. I had so much to make up for with her; I just hoped she’d forgive me for taking so long.

I was antsy, walking back and forth waiting for our pack doctor, Robyn.

I had over the years built the Paradise Rainy would play pretend and dream up with Chris. They’d play pretend, fake marriages, and dolls as their children. She’d say how she wanted a big house on the beach, with lots and lots of babies and he’d agree with everything she wanted. When I would feel left out, left out of her pretend future she’d say that she wants my house right next door on her private beach so our babies could play and grow up together, ironically she never included our adopted family in her pretend.

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