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A/N: Not Edited.

Chapter 33.5 – Derrick POV

 You have to help me Derrick! Please! Help me! I don’t have long! I heard Adina in my head.

I had lost everything, but I wouldn’t lose Adina, while they were all busy watching the film of Rainella, I stepped away, hurrying knowing I wouldn’t have much time, going to our safe and grabbing what I could in terms of human traveling means and weapons before taking the car that had the body bag, Adina’s body inside it.

You have to help me Derrick! Please! Help me! I don’t have long! Waiting, I went to the side moving Adina from the car to the Fae’s car, getting in the back, and staying low until she entered, distracted on her phone. Adina - her voice ringing in my head, guiding me.

“I didn’t find a single thing, I have no idea where Henry is, but I know that Logan was involved, they killed Adina before she reveal anything to me dear,” She said starting the car, I began lowering my heart, slowing it to go undetected. You have to help me Derrick! Please! Help me! I don’t have long! Calming and remaining so despite having to pass the security, but they just let the Fae and I go freely not bothering to check inside her car. When we were a good distance away from WhiteFire I took out the gun, aiming it at Mrs.Fox, “that is not needed young Derrick,” she said knowingly, “you don’t have much time.”

Sitting on the backseat, “you’re going to help me.”

“Of course, you want to bring your Adina back… I wish to bring her back as well... she has knowledge on my Henry.”




Chris POV

Three days later.

I sighed crossing another potential home psychologist as well as physical therapist off my shortening listen, frustrated. We couldn’t bring in humans, so with only two individuals left I was beginning to get obviously disheartened. I had yet to find anyone who would want to work with my children, understanding however, that sexual abuse of child to most seems absurd, many couldn’t wrap their head around adults using children for their own personal gratification. Wolves were no different, no one felt up to the game of working with five from that situation, knowing up front just what conditions we were dealing with.

Outside of Michelle and Nicole, the other eight children for their whole lives, have never had their basic needs met, but there were signs of that with them on the other hand.

It was killing me slowly; bit by bit really… my children were the epitome of anxious, wary and doubtful… my education was much helpful and frustrating at the same time. But I would do anything to take all this pain away from them. My family had yet to come back to the hospital, instead, checking in and asking for what I wanted done, plus preparing the rooms for the children. They had been making an effort and I knew it because while checking my ipad, a message popped up, asking if I wanted to download various help books on children that have been abused and traumatized.

I’m sure they would be helpful to them but I had already started to draw on my lessons, knowing before anything else, we had to work on the basic needs, their biological and psychological, Seth fucked with each and every single one of them.

Rainy explained they were rarely fed, he wouldn’t let any of them sleep for more than 4 hours, if that, Masen informed be of the way he found them, cold and frail.  He was even able to fuck with the air they breathed, putting the children in tanks or small places until they passed out, never killing them, but watching as they struggled to take a breath.

“Any luck?” Nancy came to me, offering me a half smile, I just shook my head, and “no one wants to take them on…” I said angrily.

“Well…” she seemed reluctant, “What?” I turned my chair facing her completely.

“I have a friend, uhm, she lives in Canada, her and her mate are licensed psychologists,-” I cut her off, “Do you think they’d be willing to come down here?” I asked eagerly, knowing she wouldn’t mention someone that wasn’t completely qualified.

“Wait, they aren’t like us though… they are Lamia Lupus’ (vampire wolf), one was you heard of that gathering that went on?” Nancy asked, “Yes…”

Nodding she finished, “Well Lewis Barlow, was one of those they tested on, changing him into a vampire wolf… he found his mate, Juliet Bowers, a human but now she’s like him, he was able to change her…” she said waiting for my response as though I would hold their kind or wolf or anything of the sort against them. I was shamed for a moment, I had just thought of vampires as below me when Logan brought me into the room with Sebastian. Yet it was easy to look past all that, too see the bigger picture that Logan had, they weren’t my personal enemy, the group as a whole was not my battle to fight.

“As long as they won’t harm the children, and Logan is okay with it, they can come down here if possible,” I answered confidently. I wanted my children in their home, not at this hospital, at a place where they could grow emotionally as well as physically. I had already taken Masen's and Logan's words to heart, I wouldn't worry about whatever Anna was doing because as far as they were concerned she was just living on borrowed time. Deciding not to tell Rainy, collectively, was also something I stuck with, it really wasn't something I wanted to burden her with, not when there was already so much.

Progress was being made however, it just didn't look like that overall but I could see it, I saw the small wins I was having with my children, because while none had yet to really take to me besides Michelle and Nicole, the others were doing other small things. Kayla was still blinking to answer yes or no questions, Michael and Bailey didn't divert thier eyes when I was speaking to them, though they didn't speak back... and Kieth, Cole, Sarah, Hannah and Lily, were following in the footsteps of their mother, and older siblings. Still I just wanted them home.


So we know what craziness Derrick is up to and how he got off WhiteFire territory...

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his forgotten mateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora