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A/N: Not edited. I had a bad migraine guys and couldn't type anything but I did type something...

Chapter 27 – LoganPOV

Alpha I heard in my head, from Masen.


I'm looking at some of the files from the seize and I'm not too sure but I'm fairly certain that Anna – he continued as I stewed, angrily, wanting to rip Anna and Adinas' head off.

"Mrs. Fox," Tallon stopped glancing at Caelem, "Mr. and Mrs. DeLuca, the complaint made against you, by Mrs. Fox, Henrys' mother, Mrs. DeLuca is that you helped Mr. Fox with the kidnapping of a child and now he is missing. When that was brought to our attention, we held this trial to get at the truth for Mrs. Fox and since the kidnapping was mentioned we wanted to get that out of the way as well."

"That being said, Mr. DeLuca, we can't dismiss signed documents because you signed them when you believed that your mate was innocent, but it turns out she is involved and might have information on Mrs.Fox sons' whereabouts. And we certainly can't dismiss your part in the kidnapping of a child," I glanced at Derrick, his eyes full of sorrow and even worse was Martin, I'm not even sure Adina knew what was coming at her but by the looks on Martin and Derrick they did.

Adina noticing their faces, the pained look on her mates' face, the shaking of his entire being, his glare on the Elders, she blurts out nothing I would have expected.

Her words gave me entrance to her thoughts, "Derrick relax," she sobbed, "we might be separated but it won't be for long, do-don't bring-g m-m-more t-trouble," Adina took their faces – Martin and Derrick – to mean that there was no way out, she would be punished for her crime.

Child kidnapping – a crime that she believed the sentence was 30 years in either the prison of the pack in which the victim belonged or the Elders'.

Derrick was literally crying, silently, and Adina was trying to bring him comfort, not understanding.

Rogue. Adina.

Obviously not only did she not know what made her mate behave this way, but she didn't know of ethic of reciprocity either. I – over the years – in looking for Rainy had begun following and adopting, living the proverb, 'What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.' Adina... not so much.

Tallon sat down, "Actually," Tallon said carefully, slowly... trying to avoid my eyes, "in 2000 after many pack children kidnapping by rogues," I turned to Adina, "the punishment for such a crime is no longer confinement, but death."

Her eyes grew to the size of quarters her mouth hung, body immobile, I'm pretty sure everything dawned on her at that point, the reason why so many people left after watching her hand over Rainy drugged.

No amount of testimony from anyone would change the punishment she would be receiving.

"That rule is – my mate isn't a rogue Elders and Rainella isn't a wolf that is able to procreate with just anyone, this rule doesn't apply to my mate," Derrick said weakly.

Werewolves had become increasingly humanized over time, and no longer Feral and a danger to society, however for that to have happened the Elders had to be to wolves what the justice system was to humans. And what better way to ensure that we could live amongst humans than to adopt their laws and regulation. So they did. Still, child kidnapping, especially young girls still occurred more frequently especially when an individual sought authority and believed in the power in numbers.

his forgotten mateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon