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A/n: Not Edited.

Chapter 33.6 – Derrick POV

The Fae and I drove in complete silence, and it was comfortable whereas generally, Fae were a complete and utter nuisance, Mrs. Fox remained silent, pensive. Nothing I had heard, every story of the deceitfulness of Fae’s at this moment didn’t matter, not now. It wasn’t a prominent thought, none of the warnings for what she was about to do mattered. I could hear Adina in my head, warning me that there wasn’t enough time, that I had to get this done, and I would. I wouldn’t fail her, what type of mate would that make me?

The more the voice faded, the faster I wished the Fae would drive, not caring at all for human laws at the moment, I had already done the damage, bringing Adina back would garner attention had I not thought properly and insured that the Elders would have their hands full, while we would simply hideaway together.

By now I could only hope that the video I had released, was out, I hadn’t know exactly of Adina’s guilt in all aspects but I did know that the Elders wouldn’t have bothered with her if they had been called elsewhere for other vital matters, however it wasn’t released by the human in time. I chided myself, I should have known better, leaving anything up to pesky humans. But it didn’t matter now, because while I was bringing my mate back, the attention that would sanction, would be nothing compared to what the Elders would have to deal with when mainstream got their hands on that video recording. Nothing led back to me of course, but if only this Fae would get where we needed to be, I griped in the backseat not trusting her for a moment to place my gun down.




Hours of driving, two stops for gas, and all I knew was that I had most likely lost my family, bringing Adina back would come at very little personal cost. Not to me anyways, the Fae would be casting the resurrection spell. Taking life force from the living, to bring my mate back to me, telling me when we arrived at the destination that I was to go and fetch three humans while she prepared. And so I did as she asked, thankful that it was already getting dark, I drove into the city, luring three prostitutes that I knew no one would miss, not like I already missed my mate, not that we would be killing them anyways.

Returning with the three women, “Any two large animals you can find in the forests, we will need their blood,” Mrs. Fox instructed as I unloaded the three women, the family coming out and helping as she instructed. No one batting an eye at what was occurring; this would be beneficial for everyone. I wasn’t sure what exactly they thought Adina knew, and whether she knew it or not but none of that mattered.




Her voice was low, fading, the screams and pleas so low I couldn’t hear them over my own heartbeat any longer, and so I raced, found two large deer, lugging them back quickly, impatiently to Mrs. Fox.

“You must sew her head back onto her body, dipping the thread in your body first,” she said handing me a need and thread, small bowl and knife while she crushed some white plant, as I observed questioningly.

“Dried White Woundwort, to mix with your blood wolf,” she answered, her family around her watching on silently, seemingly unbothered with my presences all together.

Nodding I cut my palm, letting the red seep, dripping down to the small bowl; cutting again when the wound healed over.  Waiting, not sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t what I saw… or what I expected to happen. The Fae’s came around, all letting one drop of blood fall into the same bowl as I shakily dipped the needle and thread into the bowl, soaking the string, turning it red.

his forgotten mateWhere stories live. Discover now