Chapter 4

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Amara opened her eyes, immediately shutting them again as the sunlight shone through the curtains. She felt the poking again, looking down to see Luca's hazel/ green eyes staring back at her.

"Mara, I'm hungry." Luca said. Amara smiled. The little boy was one of the most gorgeous children she had seen. Most of his looks favored his father, but there were hints of his mother in him, like his brown hair and slightly brown eyes.

"You gotta brush your teeth first buddy." She whispered so she wouldn't disturb Joshua, who was still asleep next to them. Amara picked Luca up before walking to her hallways closet where she kept all her extra toothbrushes. She let Luca pick one, he immediately grabbing the green one because he said it reminded him of the Hulk. After they brushed their teeth and washed their faces, Amara took Luca back to the kitchen.

"What do you want, Luca?" She asked while walking towards the fridge.

"Ummm....Eggs and Bacon." He responded while bouncing up and down in his chair.

"Eggs and bacon, it is." It took Amara less than 20 minutes to make breakfast. Sitting a plate with 2 pieces of bacon and eggs in front of Luca, he automatically started digging in without a spoon.

"Luca, sweetheart, let me get you a spoon first." Amara said while laughing. Luca stopped eating, looking up shyly. Amara couldn't help but stare at the little boy who had manage to capture her heart in a matter of two days. She had always wanted to have a child of her own, but could never find a guy who would stick around long enough to become the person to father her children. Amara sighed, shaking her head as she snapped out of her thoughts. She grabbed 2 spoons out the drawer, handing one to Luca, who once again started eating quickly, this time with a utensil, and one for herself. Less than 10 minutes later, Luca had eaten all of his breakfast and drank the apple juice she gave him. He was now bouncing up and down in his seat. Amara could sense his restlessness.

"You wanna go play in the backyard, buddy?" She asked. She didn't want him to play inside the house since Joshua was still sleeping on the couch. She wanted to let him get as much sleep as he needed.

"Yeah, Mara! C'mon!!" Luca said, jumping out of his chair and grabbing Amara's hand pulling her out her seat. They didn't need to put shoes on because the yard was 70% grass, which was where they were going to be playing. And Amara made sure to sweep the patio regularly in case anything sharp was there.

It was a warm morning, so they went and started to run around. Amara chased Luca, who was laughing to his hearts content. Seeing him so happy was his making Amara fall in love with the little boy even more. It made her wish that he was hers. She might now even see him again after he and Joshua left. The plan was to only do the photoshoot.

Amara was tickling Luca, when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her away from Luca, who immediately jumped up and started to tickle Amara with his little fingers. Amara laughed as she fought to get loose. She knew it was Joshua who was holding her because some of his hair has fallen over her shoulder when he picked her up.

"Good Morning." Joshua whispered into her ear. His morning voice was definitely the sexiest thing she had EVER heard. If it wasn't for his arms around her waist, she would've been on the floor.

"Good Morning." She said back breathlessly. Joshua chuckled, resting his chin on her shoulder. He was the type of person to be very open about his feelings towards someone. He hates the beating around the bush shît because it wastes valuable time that could be spent being with that person. He has already developed a affection towards Amara. It might some cheesy, but he has felt that way since the moment her laid eyes on her. She looked beautiful holding Luca, concern showing in her eyes as she held the crying boy. He knew he wanted to get to know her more. This, maybe, was his chance to find love again after what happened 4 years ago.

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