Chapter 26

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2 weeks Later

"Amara, you have to get out of this bed honey." Makayla said to her best friend.

Amara just tucked her head deeper under the covers, wanting to block out the world.

After her argument with Joshua, she went home and sulked, thinking about all the horrible decisions she'd made that led up to her losing not one but two of the best things that had happened to her.

She realized that she was so oblivious to Drew's flirting and constant hints that he had feeling for her. That was until Drew tried to kiss her the day she told him about her argument with Josh which resulted in her slapping him.

She ignored her boyfriend, letting Drew constantly distract her whenever she was about to respond to Joshua's messages.

Amara felt so shitty about herself and how she could've let someone drive such a big wedge between her and Josh in such a short amount of time.

She tried at least 4 times a day to get in contact with Joshua only to have her calls forwarded to voicemail.

She missed Josh. He was one of the only things that made her happy and protected her from all the shit that was happening and she took it for granted.

She missed Luca. The little ball of sunshine who could make her smile even on the worst of days.

"Amara, please sweetie. I hate seeing you like this." Makayla begged, trying her best to get Amara out of the bed she'd been glued to for the past month.

"I miss them Kay." Amara whimpered.

"I know babe. But you won't get them back by laying here and drowning yourself in sorrow."

"He won't even talk to me. I've realized what I did wrong and I'm trying to apologize for it, but he won't even answer my calls or texts. Joshua is the reason I'm alive today and I let some petty shit break us apart. He probably doesn't even trust me anymore. I basically let another dude take me away from him. I don't even want Drew. I can't believe he did that to me. Taking advantage of my friendship. Like what the fuck?!" Amara exclaimed.

"What Drew did was fucked up. How you responded to Josh when he asked you about it was also fucked up."

"I know!! I basically said fuck his feelings. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking."

"Me either. That man is head over heels for you. His son is basically your son. You gotta get the fuck out of this bed and go make that shit right. Forget calling. You better make that man and 10 Course meal or some shit. Apologize everyday! Have mind-blowing, soul snatching sex with him.  Whatever you have to do to get him back. They don't make men like him anymore Amara. So don't lose the good guy you got, cause there's no telling if you'll get another one. Especially one with a cute kid like Luca. So come on. You got your man to get back." Makayla pulled out her phone, sending the text that set her plan in motion.

Amara smiled as Makayla pulled her out of bed. A new found feeling of confidence running through her veins.

"You also might want to dress in some durable clothes that you're willing to get dirty."  Makayla said.

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