Chapter 24

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"I love you, El. Make sure you lock all the doors. I've already had all the windows locked and checked. Don't open the door for anyone unless it's me. You and Luca should stay in the safe room and keep the phone on you at all times. You know where I keep the gun, right?"

Ella nodded, her one free arm wrapped around Joshua's waist. Her other arm holding a sleeping Luca.

"I love you too, baby. Be safe, okay?"

"I will." Joshua kissed Ella's lips and a 3 month old Luca's forehead before walking out the door, locking it behind him.

He had been Don for upward of 4 years, and had been in all kinds of situations but this one was different.

Vincenzo Alvarez, Don of Alvarez Mafia, thought it was okay to threaten Joshua's wife and son and that was one thing Joshua wouldn't stand for.

Joshua sat in the back of his Black Cadillac Escalade, checking his guns to make sure they were full of ammunition.

He was surrounded on all sides by his men in Escalades.

"I want his head on a stick. Does he know who the fuck he is messing with? It's one thing to threaten me, but to try and go after my family, nah. That ain't gonna work." Joshua said, cocking his gun.

"Boss, we're being followed."

"Is it Alvarez?"

"Yes sir, and about 50 of his men spread out over a 5 block radius."

"Let them follow us to the warehouse. Don't alert them that we know they're following us."

"Yes, sir."

Joshua sat back quietly then rest of the way, mentally preparing himself for the hard fight that was about to ensue.

He and his men stepped inside the warehouse, making it seem as if hey we're going into their normal routine.

About 25 minutes into the act, the door was kicked in. Joshua and his men immediately drawing their weapons and the first bullet was fired, starting a rampage of gunfire.


"WHERE THE FUCK IS WILL?!" Joshua yelled over the loud gunfire to his men.

"WE DON'T KNOW, SIR! NO ONE HAS HEARD FROM HIM ALL MORNING!" One of the men yelled back.

"MERDA!" Josh yelled again, leaning out of his hiding spot behind a concrete pillar, only to be shot in the shoulder and abdomen causing him to lose his balance and fall over.

He could hear the gunfire increase as his men angrily fired, killing every Alvarez member they saw.

Joshua could feel the blood leaving his body and himself growing weak, knowing the bullet must have hit something important.

A couple of his men came over and started to work on stopping the bleeding, but it was too late as he had already lost enough to send him into unconsciousness. His last thoughts being an 'I love you' to Ella and Luca.


"Is he gone yet?"

"Yeah, he just left. Are you sure no one knows you're here?"

"Yeah, now come open the door."

Ella hung up and dropped the phone on the bed before running to the door.

"BABY!" She yelled, hopping up and wrapping her legs around William's waist. He stepped inside, closing the door behind them.

"You miss me?" He asked, his hand immediately going to her ass.

"You already know I did." Ella said, kissing him.

They continued to kiss as William carried Ella upstairs to the bedroom, the same bedroom where Ella and Josh slept every night. The same bed where she and Josh had created Luca.

"When are you gonna leave him?" William asked as he removed his shirt.

"As soon as I can." Ella lied.

"You've been saying that for a year, Ells."

"I know baby, I'm sorry, but you know it isn't as simple as getting up and leaving. We'll be together officially, soon. Don't worry. Now give me what Joshua could never properly give me." She said, grabbing his package.

William smirked as he leaned down, pulling her into a kiss again.

Chapter 24

A little flashback into a very important part of Ella and Joshua's past.

There's so much more to be unveiled. Just wait 😉

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