Chapter 4

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Vampire Enclave
Kyran's POV

I brought him home... Now what? I sighed, watching over the rail at the small boy bouncing around with excitement. I hadn't really thought about what to do after I brought him home. Actually, I hadn't thought about anything. All I could think about was the soft wartmth I felt when he kissed me. Whatever it was, I craved more of it. More of the sparks flying across my vision.

It wasn't just the kiss, either. I had the overwhelming urge to touch the small boy. To pull him close and never let him go. To claim him and make him mine. Is this what having a mate is like? Then I want no part in it. The other Vampires will not hesitate to use this against me, and I can't be acting so lovestruck 24/7. It would ruin me. But my body refuses to let him go.

I groaned in frustration, alerting my presence to the small wolf. He looked up, tilting his head to me. I tightened my grip on the railing. "You!" He nodded. "What's your name?" He furrowed his brows for a moment then turned away. "I'll tell you if you tell me." This little... I am a Vampire! I will not be subjected to this sort of treatment! Does he even know how old I am?

I sighed once more. "Fine. If you must know, I am a Vampire Lord. I go by many names, but you may know and address me as 'Kyran.'" He said it quietly, blushing as my name came out of his mouth. I was incredibly aroused, to say the least. I shook my head, embarrassed to be thinking such things. Clearing my throat, I spoke. "And? What is your name? Well, wolf?"

His eyes flashed with hurt at the way I adressed him, and guilt rose up on my throat. "F- Felan..." Felan. What a perfect name. It matched everything about him. Once more, blood rushed through my body, lust clouding my mind. Why? Why is this happening to me?

Felan looked away and my conscience whined, wanting to look into his beautiful eyes and lose myself forever. "U-um..." My attention snapped back. He flinched at the sudden movement. "I... Why did you bring me here?"

"... Why indeed."

"Huh?" I sighed. Felan flinched back, fear in his expression. What are you doing?! Don't scare him!! "... I brought you here... To..."

A loud knock at the door caused both of us to jump, and I swiftly ran down the stairs, pushing Felan into the shoe closet by the entrance. He gave a whine but was quiet when I opened the door.

A blurred figure rushed in, wrapping thier arms around my neck. I was silent, registering who it was. "... Alvah.  Why are you here?" Alvah turned his head up, his wide violet eyes begging. "Please, let me stay here!!"


I sighed for what seemed like the millionth time as Alvah finished his story. "So, let me get this straight," I spoke slowly. "You got into an argument with Wynn over who got to be the 'top,' in the relationship - again - and ran away to come and bother me?" Alvah nodded quickly.

I buried my face in my hands. Alvah was one of few Vampires who was openly gay, his lover, Wynn, being another. They were constantly arguing about one thing or another, but always made up in the end. They've been dating for a couple hundred years and still couldn't decide who was the 'top.' Utter nonsense, if you ask me. Establish dominance prior to the relationship. Let them know who's in charge.

"It's not that easy, you know," Alvah said, reading my mind. "We both want to be the one who dominates the other."

"And... Why is that?"

"It gives a sense of... Reassurance. Like they can't live without you."

"... So? Just give in like you always do. I don't think you've ever topped him, not even when you first started dating."

Alvah turned a bright shade of red, avoiding my gaze. I found this curious. Why was I so upset when that dog turned his eyes, but I could sit here unfazed when Alvah did it. "Well, I'm trying to do it, but-"

A loud crash echoed through the room, both of us turning to the shoe closet; the source of the noise. I froze. The boy. Felan. He's still here. How long has he been in there? I glanced at the clock. One hour. He's been in there since I forced him in. I left him there, and forgot about him. Guilt rose up as I rushed to the door, pulling it open and watching the small boy fall out, landing face first.

I helped him up, ignoring the curious glances from Alvah. Felan, however, watched Alvah with a careful eye. I chuckled quietly. He's jealous. It made my chest flutter, thinking that he cared. It disgusted me. Felan noticed my expression, tugging on my shirt. "Um... Kyran, I-"

"What? Are you still here? Go home, mutt."



Tears gathered in his eyes, his grip on my shirt gone. He stopped looking at me, rushing out the door when the tears began to fall. I watched, upset, as he left. It had to be done. Nothing good could have come from him staying with me. He's better off with his pack. His family. Anyone but a monster like me.

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