Chapter 8

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Dirty mindedness warning, sorry (not sorry)
I couldn't take this anymore. For 5 hours straight the Mystery Shack had been drowned with deafening screams. Stan was with Mabel, who I can still hear crying. So as a result of this I've been left to deal with Dipper. Bill. Bipper. Every time I look into his eyes, I see more than those yellow slits, I see what Fiddleford saw every time I allowed Bill in my body. The insane joyousness of the suffering of everybody around me, but also the struggle of controlling who I was. I had to take extreme measures in this case. I knew Bill was sadomasochistic, but I never knew that Bill would go as far as trying to kill Mabel. If we hadn't heard her then she could've died, or worse, Dipper could've perished with her. But right now I had something more serious to occupy my time with.

I had tied Bipper to a chair in hopes it would restrain him, but somehow he kept on escaping. So I had to chain him up, Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons style, which has surprisingly proven a handy tactic in escaping and/or trapping your foes. Whatever was going on inside Dippers body eluded me. Bill nor Dipper showed any signs of sole dominance, the only thing that was possible to determine was... I don't even know! I couldn't identify anything about this screaming, thrashing, possessed child I had to save. I had decided on waiting this out until morning, when everybody's head, except from Dipper's, had become clearer.

Last night was a blur for me. One moment a was trying to get rid of Bill, the next I was suddenly trapped in an intense heat. Even my memories of that weren't certain. I tried to get up, but I felt pressure on my body. I struggled for a moment only to realise it was Stan. He must have fell asleep. I eased him off and looked at the clock- 3:28 am. I was pretty sure it was 11:15 the last time I checked, but I could see some dimmed light shining from the carelessly shut curtains.

Then it all came back to me. I could see Dipper, bleeding slightly and badly bruised, holding a lit match. The one that burned me. I remember thinking: was he going to hurt himself? After that I saw Ford and Stan rush into the attic. Stan picked me up and ran out of the room but I could see Ford grabbing Dipper. The way Ford did that though. Even though Bill was the one consciously controlling Dippers thoughts, Dipper would still be the one to feel all of this pain in the aftermath of this. I considered looking for him but even if he was back to normal, Dipper would still need to sleep and recover from his ordeal.


From our makeshift prison we,could hear Sixer walking away. As well as that, we could hear his exact thoughts. Maybe we could use them against him. We knew fairly well he was going to question us later on. This idea was thoroughly amusing. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA". We acted like this a lot now. We added a scream for good measure. This was fun, maybe our prison looked painful to every body else, but to us it was hilarious. It was as if Bill and Dipper were never apart. We were one now. Both of our memories resided in this one vessel, bombarding us with this neither of us, or both of us, knew existed. We were going to stay like this for a while now. I could guarantee this to be true. Forever and ever.

*618 word like I promised. I know the possession thing doesn't happen like that but I felt like doing it that way. Also, I've recently discovered a singer who goes by the name of Maria Mena. From the songs I've actually heard, I have selected two. One for Dipper/Bipper and one for Mabel. I'll add them at the bottom of this. Enjoy the story! BYEEEE!*

Mabel- Am I Supposed To Apologise?:

Dipper/Bipper- He's Hurting Me:

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