Chapter 10

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It was 3:04 am. I had just woken up from a nightmare. My breathing quickened as the images engulfed my vision: blood, suffering,that demonic smile. Everything just got worse as I looked around the dark room. Where was Stan? I swear he was here! Or maybe I'm just letting paranoia take over my existence. I leaned back and exhaled. Oh, how it felt nice to be alone in this somewhat eerie silence. For a moment, the thought of going down to the basement was overwhelming. Even if it was calming to sit here in the complete and utter silence, I was still petrified. And when I rethought going down there, I was suddenly filled with anxiety. What if Stan had been taken, and whatever did take home was down the corridor? I grabbed my pillow and let myself hide. The smell of washing up liquid, that in my day to day life I would've thrown up at even the slightest of smell, calmed me. All of my emotions were jumbled up in my head, and I couldn't tell if it was actually me thinking them. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. They were gaining in speed and in frequency, and each thud was followed by panicked, wheezy breaths. Just hearing this accelerated my heart rate so much, that it could easily be confused with various brands of drills.

The noise continued for what seemed like hours, but in reality was only a few seconds. The door slammed open, leaving a dint in the wall. "MABEL!", a voice yelled. "FOLLOW ME! NOW!" I was relieved to see it was Ford, but not relieved to see the stress and fear radiating off his face. I got up- leaving my shoes because who needs them?- and obeyed him. It occurred to me that Bill could've left Dipper and possessed Ford, but I honestly wouldn't understand how that could've happened, so I ran along with my trusting instincts. Ford grabbed my wrist and led me out into the forest, until we found what looked like the Multi-Bears old cave. It was filled with cobwebs and dead things and rocks (cause it's a cave, duh!) Ford and I found a suitable rock to sit down on, caught our breaths, and sat in silence. I was the one to break said silence, "So, what the HELL was all that about, huh?" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Look Mabel, Bipper has escaped. Well at least the Bill side has. I woke up from this nightmare," so he had a nightmare too, "and he wasn't there. Possessions are tricky to deal with. Possessions, and well... Fusions." We sat there for a few more moments, so we could both process everything. "So, let me get this straight (except, nothing in life it perfectly straight, if ya know what I mean), Dipper has the potential to hurt us, and yet you fell asleep on the job and he is now runnning around the house like he's some sort of psychopathic murderer?" "Yes, but the problem was that he wasn't in the house. He could be anywhere."

****Hey my friends. You know that picture at the top, well look at it. And you know what Stan saw from that window? He saw me. He saw my gayness radiating from me and was blinded. That was what really happened. Also, I, thinking of wrapping up this story and making a sequel. Obviously not now, but the sequel could be a full on BillDip book. Ford, Mabel and Stan would obviously be confused as to why Dipper loved Bill.

I write quality stories people.

BYEEEEE!!!! And comment below what you think of this!****

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