Chapter 5- Try Again Princess

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As the car pulls up to Jimmy's, tension mounts up inside of me. That maid has me mesmerized by her mysteriousness. I'd be willing to guess that she is probably a nice person, too. I'd know, if she would talk, but I don't blame her. As I wait, I start to wonder how someone like her got pulled into this business. The door opens and my thoughts are distracted as I see a large welt on her face. Anger starts to simmer inside of me, and I walk towards her. She stands still but fear shows in her eyes, and I stop a step away from her. I reach my hand up to touch her cheek and she flinches away. Jimmy really is an asshole.

"What happened?" I ask, trying to keep my tone calm and suppress the anger threatening to surface.

"I slipped and hit the counter." She says, angling her face so I can't see it.

"Try again, Princess." 

I look straight at her, but she won't meet my gaze.

"This way sir, Mr. Stark is waiting," she whispers, turning away from me. 

This only makes me angrier. Not at her, but at the fact that someone definitely hurt her. I follow her and as soon as Jimmy is in sight she scurries away.

"What happened to her?" I ask Jimmy, he smirks at me and shakes his head.

"Let's just say the girl don't be messing up any time soon." 

As much as I want to smack the shit out of him, I just roll my eyes. It's not my place. 

"Right, let's get started," I say in a strained voice.


The entire time we worked I couldn't get my mind off of Cinderella and how Jimmy hit her.

Now, Jimmy and I are sitting playing his X-box.

"I'm going to get a drink," I say getting up.

I walk out of the room and head towards the area where the staff is. All the doors are open except one. I knock and when I don't hear anything I step inside and see her sleeping on the bed. I close the door quietly and observe her sleeping. Does that make me sound like a stalker? Maybe a little. Oh well. She looks so innocent in her sleep, not so scared and sad. I reach out and touch her shoulder. Before I know it, she's up and lands a punch on my right cheek.

"Damn, you can punch." I groan, holding my face.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" She growls, not even apologizing.

"I was seeing how you were doing." I gesture towards her face.

"Okay, what were you really doing in here?" She asks not believing me.

"I'm serious, I just wanted to see how you were." 

A look of confusion passes over her face before she brings back her angry look. 

"Well I'm fine, so buh bye." She says waving.

"Not such a princess then got it," I mumble under my breath.

"What did you say?" She snaps.

"Nothing. Look, I apologize for invading your privacy. I just wanted to make sure you were fine."

She only nods and I take that as my que. I leave and go to the bathroom, cleaning up my face. I see a small bruise is forming on the right side of my jaw and smile.

"What took you so long?" Jimmy asks, not moving his eyes from the TV.

"Bathroom," I grunt.

I'm still mad at him. No, mad is an understatement. I'm pissed.

"Okay, so are we going to go see the progress at the new club?"

"Yup," I say getting up.


"What did you do?" Janice asks me with a stern expression on her face.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"You've got a bruise on your face, so who did you get into a fight with." She says, tapping her foot expectantly. 

Her face changes when I smile, then she looks as confused as I felt a little bit ago.

"It was more of a one-sided fight." She still looks confused, so I continue, "I was over at Jimmy's and you know how he has his little 'maid of the month'?" I say with air quotes, when she nods her head, I start talking, "his new one socked me in the jaw." I say, still smiling.

"Where's Jake? Because the Jake I know would never let anyone get away with it?" She asks, looking at me with a smile. She knows I wouldn't actually harm the girl, but she likes to joke.

"This one sure has a bite to her. I'm not sure she is in this business because she wants to be, though. Which is kind of sad, but it's Jimmy's money. I've got bigger things to worry about than the fact that he can't get laid without paying."

"The poor thing. I'd like to meet her. She sounds quite fun."

"She doesn't talk much. I can't imagine she is fun."

"Maybe you just aren't that interesting."

"We both know that's not true. Anyway, you know Jimmy doesn't bring his girls out of the house."

"Well, then I'll have to come to her." She states like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

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