Chapter 9- Shopping

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Brittney has been really distant and shy since she got here. I know she doesn't trust me, and she doesn't deny it. I only talk to her during dinner because I'm not home during the day. She's only been here for a week though, so maybe she will come around with time.

"So I heard you bought a new maid," Jimmy says, raising an eyebrow.

"She isn't my maid." I tell him and he scrunched his face up in confusion, "she's just staying at my place." His face doesn't change and I roll my eyes.

"So... are you using her for se-" he stops when I shoot him a glare, "okay, not for that. But why?"

"Because she's a... friend, and I wanted to help her out." I tell him and give him a look that says 'drop the subject'.

"So, our club is coming along nicely."


"Cinderella," I say to Brittney getting her attention, "we are going shopping today. I know that you don't have many clothes so in taking you out."

"Oh, um, are you sure? I know you're a busy man and I wouldn't want to bother you," she says nervously.

"Trust me," I smile at her, "it would be my pleasure to take you out." 

She looks at me with confusion and I just chuckle at her. 

"Let's get going."

I tell my driver where to go and turn to Brittney who is looking at her lap.

"You can get whatever you want and how much you want. I don't mind., I say to her.

"Are you," she starts to ask but when she looks at me, she stops and smiles, "okay, I haven't been shopping in a long time."

"Well, we'll just have to make up for that today."

"It sounds like fun Charming." 

I grin at her, and she drops her gaze again. Man, we really gotta work on the eye contact.

The rest of the drive is silent, but it's not uncomfortable. 

"Here we are," I say to Brittney.

She looks outside of the window and her jaw drops, "Wow," she whispers, "I've never been to a mall before." She turns to look at me with wide eyes.

"Well let's get shopping!"


"I don't know how I feel about this one..." Brittney says on the other side of the door.

"Well come out and let me see!" I demand playfully. 

She hasn't come out of the dressing room yet.

"Um, okay." She says hesitantly.

I hear a lock slide and the door opens slowly. My jaw drops when she steps out in a light blue dress that matches her eyes. When she sees me checking her out, she blushes a deep crimson.

"Y-your beautiful." I stutter in awe. 

"Thank you." She whispers.

"You are definitely buying this dress," I state.

"I don't know... it costs a lot." She says hesitantly.

 "With me, you never have to worry about the price, if you see something you like, get it."

She looks back up at me and gives me a small smile before going back to the dressing room.


"I love these little things!" Brittney exclaims eating another Cinnabon.

I chuckle at her and eat one of my own.

"Thank you so much Charming, for everything," she says after a few minutes if silence.

"You're welcome, and I really don't mind paying for whatever you need or want," I tell her honestly.

"Wait so where do you work? You must make a lot of money." 

I stiffen slightly. I don't want to lie to her, but I have to.

"I own a very successful business," I say, "Do you want some more for later?" I ask, changing the subject.

"That would be great." She says shyly.

 I stand up and order a some to go.

"Ready to go?" I ask Brittney and she nods, so I lead the way to the car where someone loaded all of the shopping bags.

"Did you have a good time?" I ask after I slip into the back seat.

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun." She says smiling.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."


I walk into the house after a long day of work, and immediately smell something amazing.

But I don't have dinner for a couple hours so what the?

I walk toward the kitchen and open the door. Smiling, I see Brittney with her back facing towards me. She looks so concentrated.

"I didn't know you could cook," I say, making her jump a mile high.

"My mom taught me," she says with a sad smile on her face.

"What about your dad?" She shrugs, the sad smile still on her face.

"Never met him, he ditched me and my mom, and he was killed in a gang fight two years ago." She says with another shrug.

"Do you know which gang?"

"Riverside, I think." 

I stiffen, I was at a gang fight two years ago. Riverside is a gang that works for me, but they rebelled. And when I asked who started it a man with blond hair and blue eyes stepped up, and I shot him on the spot. It hurts to even think this, but I think I killed her dad.

"He sent me a letter, saying he was going to come to get me, but he had to do something first. But... he never came, and I was so confused and so heartbroken. I went and I asked around and found out that he started a rebellion and the leader of the mafia shot him." She says enunciating the word 'mafia' like it's the most disgusting thing she has ever heard of.

My heart clenches and I put my head down in shame. I killed her dad, the one man who could've saved her from the life she is living at the time. The world works in weird ways, and I finally did manage to pull her from the hell she was in, but it should've happened sooner. 

"I guess I gave up hope after that, at least until I ran away..." my head snaps up, but she isn't looking at me, " I think we both know how that worked out... um, sorry for spilling all that," she mutters with a blush taking over her face.

"I'm glad you told me, I would love to know more about you." 

She slowly lifts her head to meet my gaze and I see her eyes are filled with confusion. She shakes her head and goes back to cooking.

Oh Cinderella, I'm so sorry.

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