Bonus Chapter 3

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So this is from a story from Brittney's childhood and one from Jake's


 "Brittney your so fast!" My mom says, grinning widely. She's been chasing me around our small backyard while I run as fast as my stubby 5-year-old legs will take me.

"Try to catch me, mommy!" I scream, giggling wildly.

"I'm trying baby, but you're just to fast!"

I bet daddy couldn't catch me either.

"Mom?" I ask, stopping.

"Yes, baby?"

"Where's daddy?" He sure seems to be gone a lot, but it's okay, he's really fun to play with.

"He'll be here soon baby," She says and mumbles something else under her breath, but I don't understand.

"Yay!" I squeal happily, "He can chase me around, and push me on the swing, and so much more fun stuff!"

"Let's go inside and eat before he gets here."

"Okay, momma," I say, grabbing her hand as we head into our small two-bedroom house.

We sit down at the table, and I pick up my fork to start shoveling food in my mouth.

"Ah ah ah!" She scolds, raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry, momma," I say shyly.

I fold my hands as mommy starts saying her prayer.

"Dear Lord, please bless this food you have put in front of us today. Bless Brittney, as she nears her sixth birthday, and most of all, bless the men out there that, even though they've made the wrong choices, are still pure at heart. Watch over them, and keep them safe Lord, for they do not know any other life. Amen."

"Amen!" I say, happily digging into my food.

Momma always talks about men who made a bad choice. I don't know what she means. What did he do? Did he yell at someone? Or maybe even push them?

Momma says that pushing people is mean, so is yelling. So, I try not to yell too much, I don't want tod be rude. Momma also says that I should always pray for people who don't have much. I figure the men who made the bad decisions don't have much. Maybe they don't have a family, maybe they didn't have a daddy. I would be sad if I didn't have a dad. I love my daddy, even if I don't get to see him so much.

"Hey baby, we are having a special guest over tomorrow," Mom says slowly.

I scrunch my eyebrows together, who could the special guest be?

I decide to just ask her, "Who mommy? Who's coming over?"

"He's a friend of mine, he has two sons. They're twins! Isn't that cool?

"That's cool mommy," I state matter of factly, making her laugh a little. "But what's his name?"

"His name is John."



"Janice?" I ask the maid.


"Where's dad?"

"He's at work," She states, not looking at me.

"He's always at work," I state with a frown.

"Now now Jake, your father works very hard to support his family. It's not easy to support a twelve-year-old that gets into every video game ever created," She chides.

"Please," I say with a scoff, "I live in a mansion, with a full staff, I think he has plenty of cash."

"I know child, but when you're older, you'll understand."

"Well, I'm not sure I want to understand what it's like to leave your kid behind for weeks while your wife goes and screws other men," I say bitterly.

"Jake! You go to your room right now young man! That's no way to talk about your parents, now go!" She says sternly.

I drag my feet all the way to my room, slamming my door before flopping down on my bed.

I don't know what my father does for a living, but it's no normal job. I'm not some stupid naive kid like they think I am. I notice the kind of men that are here, I notice the knives and the guns, I notice the smell of drugs. I notice it all.

My mother is rarely home, and when she is, she barely looks my way.

Dad knows she's screwing someone, and he doesn't even care.

I guess that's normal, or at least it sure seems like it.

I'm friends with a lot of older guys in school, and they hop from girl to girl like it's nothing.

Girls haven't really interested me, but the guys say that will change. I just shrug and make a snarky comment.

I hear the door close from downstairs and sigh, knowing it's either my mother or my father.

I slowly walk out of my room and to the living room where my father is sitting on an armchair.

"Hello, son," He says, not taking his eyes from the football game that is on TV.

I roll my eyes, "Hello father." I try my best to keep the malice from my voice, but it's hard.

He just sighs and turns the volume if the TV up.

Janice comes into the room and gives him a beer. She then places her hand on my shoulder and guides me out of the room.

"Don't let him influence who you will be, he, well they, shouldn't control you. Don't let them. Be who you want to be, not what they expect you to be." She says into my ear.

"Yes, ma'am," I mumble.

She turns to leave but I stop her with my hand, "I'm sorry for being rude earlier. You're like a mother to me."

Her eyes mist over and she just gives me a small smile before reaching the room.
 I decided to give a small peek into both of their childhoods so I hope y'all liked it!

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