Chapter 15- Fear and Hate

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I automatically jump into action as I hear gunshots. I dive across the table and get Brittney on the ground. Next, I move the table so it's in front of us, acting as a shield. She's laying there, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

"Brittney, are you okay?" I ask, looking her over for injuries.

She nods and I sigh in relief.

"Okay I need you to trust me on this, do you trust me?" I ask her hopefully.

When she nods I want to yell out with joy but the sounds of guns being fired brings me back to reality.

"Okay, cover your ears," I tell her before pulling my gun out of my waistband.

I see her eyes once again go wide but she doesn't say anything. Looking over the table, I see three black SUV's with their windows slightly down and men shooting around and in them. Thankfully, I brought along some of my best men and they are quickly lessening the other gang's forces. I fire three shots and each bullet finds a victim.

"Follow me," I say to Brittney.

Slowly I move back towards the doors to the restaurant, shooting at the SUV's the entire time. Brittney follows close behind me, fear evident in her eyes.

When I finally make it to the doors I push them open, "Go inside and wait."

She listens and quickly goes inside, closing the doors behind her. I look to see that two of my men are dead on the ground. That leaves me with three more. I find a good spot to shoot from and wait to see how my men are doing. They are picking them off one by one but there are still about ten guys left.

"This is taking too long," I mumble, rolling my eyes. I pull out my gun and shoot five of them in a row. As I go to shoot another I realize my clip is empty.

Quickly, I replace my clip with the extra I have, and open fire, killing the remaining three men.

I look over to my guys and nod at them, telling them silently to leave before the cops get here. I run inside to see Brittney cowering under a table. The rest of the restaurant is clear, and I'm guessing as soon as people heard gunshots, they left.

"Come on Brittney, we have to go before the cops come."

"No! You need to tell me what's going on." She demands.

It's the first thing I've heard her say since the shooting started and her voice is pretty shaky.

"I promise I'll tell you everything as soon as we get home," I say with her, glancing towards the door.

"Fine, let's go, but you will explain everything the minute we get home."
I nod and hurriedly grab her arm and start pulling her to my car. I jump into the driver's seat and as soon as she is buckled in, I hit the gas pedal and speed off. The ride is silent as we drive to my house. She doesn't talk to me until we go into the living room and are both seated on the couch.

"What the hell Jake!" She shouts.

I flinch slightly.

"I'm so sorry that happened... I guess it's time I tell you everything."

She nods, encouraging me to go on. So I tell her everything, I tell her about my mom, my dad, how I got into the mafia, how I own most of the city, and the gangs inside it. I tell her how we ate in a rival gangs territory. The whole time she sits there with a blank expression. The only thing I haven't told her about is her father.

"I know you have something else to say, so say it." She demands in a flat tone.

"Brittney, I owned the gang your father was in." I start carefully, not being able to look at her, "He started a rebellion a few years back, it was the first year I took over. I went to see who started it and... and your father came out of the crowd." By now her eyes are filled with tears and her chin is quivering, "I-I shot him, Britt, he was my first kill..." I trail off.

A single, strangled, noise comes from the back of her throat and my heart shatters. She starts to shake, tears stream down her face but she doesn't make any noise. She starts to shake her head as if to say 'No.'.

I get up off the couch and take a step towards her. She looks up at me with two emotions in her eyes. Fear and Hate. I stop dead in my tracks as she glares at me through her tears. She gets up with shaky legs and backs away, not taking her eyes off of me.

"B! Ple-" I start to plead.

"Don't you ever call me that again! You have no right to even speak to me!" She screams at me, "You ruined my life the moment you pulled that trigger! You ruined my life... and you ruined me."

She sobs the last part and my heart breaks all over again. Tears come to my eyes but I don't care. She turns down the hall and runs away, I hear the front door slam and fall to my knees, too weak to even chase after her.

She's gone, she left me.

I put my face in my hands and start to sob.

I've never cried like this before, I didn't cry when my mom left me for a year, I didn't cry when one of my friends got shot, I didn't even cry when my father was killed.

But now, I sit crying on the floor. I cry for mom, for my long lost friend, for my dad, but most of all, I cry for my Cinderella. My beautiful Brittney.

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