Chapter 7- Buy

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I ring the doorbell at Jimmy's and my smile drops when a red-haired maid opens the door.

She grins at me, "Well hello, wanna take a detour before seeing master Stark?

"Bring me to Jimmy right away," I say gruffly.

"Okay handsome," she says, grasping my arm, "he's this way."

I shake off her hand and follow her to the backyard. As soon as she leaves, I look at Jimmy.

 "Where's the other maid?"

"Brought her back this morning, gave her to some old guy and two younger men. They looked really friendly," he says chuckling. 

"I can tell you she'll be busy tonight; they have friends coming over." 

He keeps laughing and I let out a growl that he doesn't notice.

"Hear anything else?" I ask.

"Yeah, they are selling her again tomorrow."

Finally, something snaps in me. I'm not sure if it's just how different she is or the fact that Janice said she wished the girl was out of harm's way, but I made a decision that would surprise Janice when I told her, and even surprised me.

"I've got to go," I say, getting up and storming out of the house.

I can't wait till tomorrow; I can't let her be taken advantage of.

"Hello, yeah is this Monthly Maids? I need information on a girl named Brittney, she is brought by an old man and two younger men." I say to the man on the other line. I roll my eyes at the name of the company once again. Jimmy gave me the number on a card a long time ago, and now I'm thankful I forgot to throw it away.

"Yes, Brittney, beautiful girl. What would you like to know?" He asks.

"I need to know where she lives," I say, trying to keep calm.

The sooner I get to her, the sooner she is safe.

"I can't do that sir." The man says coolly.

"Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but your operation sounds a lot like a sex trade, and police don't like that," I pause and receive silence, "Now, I'm not one to name drop, but I own a group of snakes, and the cops, so I'll ask you again, where she does she live?"

He gives me the address without further hesitation, and I hang up immediately. I'm known as the King Cobra, and it doesn't take much to persuade people to comply when they hear that the Cobra mafia is mine. I drive at a speed that is way above the limit, but as I said, I own the cops. The house I pull up to looks like a normal, comfortable house. It has seen better days, though. It's a façade that hides hideousness. I knock firmly on the door and a man about twenty years old answers.

He looks me up and down and sneers.

"Can I help you?" He asks.

"Yes, you can. I would like to buy Brittney permanently." 

His eyebrows shoot up then he starts laughing.

"She ain't for sale." 

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"She's our slut that we rent. If you wanna have her for a month, buy her tomorrow. She's a good fuck, so selling her permanently isn't the best way to make money."

My fist hits him smack in the nose and I hear a satisfying crack. 

"I'd like to see who I am assuming is your father. You look like the type to still live at home."

He leads the way to a living room where an older man and a man just like the other is sitting. When they notice is they both stand up.

"Dustin what happened to you?" The older man asks.

"The bastard punched me, he wants to buy Brittney," Dustin growls.

"Yeah, I do, I'll pay good money,"

 When the older man smirks and decides to spit at my shoe, I decide to change tactics a little. 

"You know, your son has been mighty rude, and I can just take her. Why waste money? Then again she's worth every penny." 

All three start laughing at me.

"You're greatly outnumbered boy, plus we could just call the cops,"the older man says smirking.

I walk closer to him and whisper just so he can hear, "I own the cops, I own half the city, I own the mafia, so think again." 

He stumbles back with side eyes.

"Take the bit-" when I raise an eyebrow at him, he stops and corrects himself, "take Brittney, you can have her."

"What?" Dustin and the other man shout.

Their father shoots them a look and they both shut up.

"Where is she?" I ask looking around.

"Basement, I'll go get her," Dustin says smirking.

"I'd rather go unless that's a problem?" 

I look at the older man, not asking for permission, but wanting to reinforce that I get what I want. 

"Go for it," he mumbles.

Without another word, I turn to find my Cinderella.


I hear Dustin and Cole shout something upstairs and I turn off my music. Listening, I hear a voice that is familiar, but I can't quite place it. After they talk for a bit longer, I hear footsteps. They are coming downstairs. I stay frozen in the center of the room as I hear the deadbolt being opened. The door opens slowly and because it's so dark--the lightbulb burned out in my room last week--I can't really see who steps in, or who closes the door gently. The figure takes a step towards me, and I take two back.

"Stay away from me, please," I plead with them, despite knowing it won't do any good.

They stop moving and just stare for what seems like hours. What is this man doing here? It doesn't sound like one of Cole or Dustin's friends judging by the shouting I heard, but I could be wrong. I mean who knows. So, what is he doing here?

"Why are you in here? Did John send you down here?" I ask voicing my thoughts.

He lets out a low chuckle, taking another step towards me. Again, I take two back. I stumble on who knows what on the floor, but stay on my feet. I decide putting as much distance between us as possible is a good idea, so I keep stepping back until my back hits a wall.

"Oh Cinderella, I'm so glad I found you."


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