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Kylan 👎:
Why is this just my luck?
It's busy every other time but basically deserted anytime I'm here for my appointments
There is legit one other person here
This feels so much like a horror movie scenario waiting to happen 😂
Help me

Matty-ew 😷:
I don't have that problem, like ever, so I can't relate
How do you expect me to help? You could be states away for all I know.
Or even in another country.

Kylan 👎:
Thanks for dashing my hopes
You're such a party pooper, you know?
Such a ruiner
Plus, I'm not telling you where I live or where I am. You could be some stalker person who wants to gain my trust and then kidnap me for something ominous
It happens to people

Matty-ew 😷:
Yeah, yeah, whatever
You watch way too many horror movies
And I'm too lazy to even attempt the kidnap part of that idea
Are you still there?
And I'm talking to myself again
I'll talk to you later then

Kylan 👎:
Sorry I ditched you
I didn't want to get fired so I put my phone away again.
I only have short breaks for this current project I have going on. Plus the people I have to work with are particular about everything 😢

Matty-ew 😷:
It's fine
I had stuff to do anyway

Kylan 👎:
See, I would have been distracting you anyway
What are you up to?
You're not still busy, right?

Matty-ew 😷:
No, not right now
I'm procrastinating
So basically, nothing

Kylan 👎:
As long as I'm not getting in the way
How old are you anyway?
Please dont be like 40 because that would be awkward

Matty-ew 😷:
Ew, no
I promise I'm not 40
Im actually 29..

Kylan 👎:
Ew, bye grandpa

Matty-ew 😷:
I'm not that old
Don't be a meanie
How old are you then, brat?

Kylan 👎:
I'm not a brat
Im 20 right now
My birthday's in a few weeks though, so I'm pretty excited for that

Matty-ew 😷:
Fair enough
I'll try to remember that
I want to get to know you better so what is your favourite TV show?

Kylan 👎:
I like all things supernatural-based so probably The Vampire Diaries or Supernatural
Though I've been meaning to check out some show my friend is hooked on that came out like last year or something.
Shadow something... I think

Matty-ew 😷:

Kylan 👎:
Yeah, I think that's the one
I'd have to ask him but cba right now

Matty-ew 😷:
I'd say it's pretty good
But I guess i'm kind of biased

Kylan 👎:
What makes you say that?

Matty-ew 😷:
I'm an actor so I guess you could say that I'm pretty critical of everything I see
Kind of a occupational hazard

Kylan 👎:
Oh, fair enough
Cool job btw lol

Matty-ew 😷:
Yeah, it is pretty awesome
I hate the workout I have for the current show
Hurts the morning after each session but I'll get over it

Kylan 👎:
Aw, is poor little Matty hurting?

Matty-ew 😷:
Yeah, I am actually
What're you going to do about it?

Kylan 👎:
Me? Nothing.
Don't know what you were expecting mate but it's not happening
Stop being a baby and get on with it

Matty-ew 😷:
But I don't want to...
You're a guy, right? I've just been assuming based on the name but I just want to be sure

Kylan 👎:
Yeah, definitely a guy last time I checked. Lol
Okay, ngl, the cast of shadowhunters is hot af
But I don't have time to watch it right now

Matty-ew 😷:
Ngl? Af?
And why?

Kylan 👎:
Ngl = not gunna (going to) lie
Af = as fuck
I'm going to be heading to my friends house and we're going to be doing a supernatural marathon. Probably going to pull an all-nighter while we're at it

Matty-ew 😷:
Oh, okay then
My friends and I are constantly around each other for work so I can't really escape them.
I'm even getting picked on for talking to you instead of joining in their conversation
Not like what they're talking about is 1) interesting or 2) worthwhile

Kylan 👎:
Don't be mean
You have friends for a reason so there must be similarities somewhere

Matty-ew 😷:
Now they think I'm lying
I hate my friends and their nosy antics
My personal life is not safe around this lot

Kylan 👎:
Lying about what?
And okay then..

Matty-ew 😷:

Kylan 👎:

Matty-ew 😷:
No, Matt was asked to do something and left his phone here
He wasn't lying
You're actually real 😰😆

Kylan 👎:
Oh, fair enough
Seems like something he would do
From my experience, yeah, I'm definitely real.
100% living and breathing
Who am I talking to then?

Matty-ew 😷:
Oh, I'm Alberto
One of Matts friends

Kylan 👎:
Well, hello then

Matty-ew 😷:
I'm putting his phone down before he gets back
Bye Matt's boyfriend 👋

Kylan 👎:
I can assure you I'm definitely not Matty's boyfriend

Matty-ew 😷:
Whatever you say

Kylan 👎:
Goodbye Alberto 👋

Matty-ew 😷:

Matty-ew 😷:
As mad as I am at him^, he's probably the tamest one that could have got hold of my phone.
Thanks for putting up with him and his antics
I promise it won't happen again
I'm changing my passcode just to make sure

Kylan 👎:
It's fine
I just arrived at my friends though so sorry if I take years to reply

Matty-ew 😷:
Its fine
Go and be social and I'm going to go and stop Alberto from being a blabbermouth

Kylan 👎:
Yeah, have fun with that
See ya later Matty-ew

Matty-ew 😷:

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