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What's going on in the Shadowhunters fandom today?
Tumblr post BY @username

So, many of the active followers of the cast across social media - particularly Instagram - will have seen the posts in question. I'm talking about the two most recent posts from Matt (@matthewdaddario) and also Blair Monson's most recent post involving her brother, Kylan. (Found on @BlairLMonson 's profile)

The fandom has been following the captions under Matt's for months now - both because of how rarely he actually posts and because they all seem to have a theme recently - and they all seem to be about and/or directed at someone.

The most frustrating parts:
1. Nobody is ever tagged in any of the posts
2. Kylan Monson has been doing it too - he posts more so the posts take a bit of finding but more recently have been occurring more frequently
3. The cast seem to know something about it

What's going on? Well, here's what I think but you're free to comment and reply with your own views.

This first bit centers on the Monson's and how I think they're involved in all of this. So, Kylan has been interacting with the cast for a while now on social media and it has been confirmed that he is also part of a group chat with the cast. Anyone who is up to date with what's happening on tumblr across the fandoms will know that Kylan is not part of or involved in Shadowhunters at all - in fact, he only recently rejoined the cast of Teen Wolf, a show he left unexpectedly early last year stating personal reasons.

Anyway, Kylan ended up going to Toronto and hanging out with the cast while he was there. An article also came into circulation while he was there about him being spotted at a bar with a "mystery beau" while hanging out with fellow Teen Wolf actors in the city to celebrate his birthday. Well, it caused a stir in both the Teen Wolf and Shadowhunters fandoms and Kylan appears to have up and left pretty quickly after the article became public - leaving later on the same day, in fact.

It brought about concerns and questions from fans, but the Shadowhunters cast also seem to be in the dark about what happened - though they seem to be over all of that now, but we'll get to that in a second.

While Kylan was in Toronto, he met up with someone - documented on his Instagram before anyone comes at me for proof. It is rumoured that the person involved in the article was the same person he met up with but it has never been confirmed.

Why am I mentioning all of this? Well, on the same day of the articles publication, Matt posted an image on his Instagram that was quite obviously directed at or about someone - and this is around about where the pattern of posts from Matt starts - and some of the fandom have speculated that it could have been linked, though, the opinion went largely ignored at the time.

Now, the cast have been LA for around two weeks now and it is common knowledge by this point that they have been hanging around with Kylan, Blair and Bradley. Well, Matt flew in ahead of all of them, and around the same time Kylan posted about picking up someone from the airport and having a new roommate for a while - who is coincidentally still there. In addition to this, Bradley posted an image on his instagram that he tagged Kylan in; the image was of two people cuddling while quite obviously asleep.

The strange part? Anytime this new house guest is mentioned, they're never mentioned by name or tagged even when it becomes known that they're there or involved. Maybe they don't have an Instagram - unlikely but still possible - or maybe it's something else. My theory: they're keeping who they are hidden from everyone because they don't want everyone to know yet - possibly because of fan reaction or maybe this person isn't out yet. I can't be the only one to consider this. I've even had the passing thought that it may be one of the cast - leaning more towards Matthew for a number of reasons.

Now onto my theory about Matt, and why I think the cast knows but are keeping quiet about whatever it is. Matt has been posting a lot more recently, which is already suspicious enough. However, it's the captions that caught my attention. Most of them, if not all of them, are about someone or directed to them. Now, I know I've made that point several times but I just find it extremely suspicious.

Again, there is never anyone tagged in these posts which suggests that whoever he is talking about or directing it to will see it anyway - so they must follow him.

The most recent two, posted yesterday, is what sparked me to write this.

We all know that Matt loves to partake in photography a lot but the last two posts were interesting. They were put up in quick succession implying they may be linked, and the captions seem to continue on from each other.

Bonus point: The person in both pictures is definitely not Matt, and their identity is kept hidden pretty well - especially when he didn't tag them.

There is no way to tell when the photos were taken so I am basing my opinion on the possibility that they were taken the same day they were posted - yesterday.
The guy in the photos is unidentifiable but may be linked to Matt in some way.

I'm aware that there is a huge possibility that it was just a random person, but consider my thought process for a second.
If they're not a stranger, then it was someone with him at the time. Well, the whole cast was with the Monson's and Bradley Marshall yesterday, so that limits it down a lot.

Was there someone else there? I'm going to say it's unlikely but that may be down to wishful thinking.

The physique of the person, and how they've presented themself again narrows it down.

In my opinion, I think it is Kylan in the pictures - maybe Alberto at a stretch.

But this still doesn't explain the captions. One thing I noticed about them is that it is always written as if talking to someone but never in a way that gives away the other person's gender.
Matt has dated girls, we know that, so why would he need to hide the other person's identity? Unless it's not a girl he is directing it to - and this is where I feel like the cast knows and are helping to hide. I believe the cast know who it's about and are careful with their own posts about what they show and say. Blair Monson and Bradley Marshall have started doing the same recently.

My theory in a nutshell:
- Matt may be in a relationship or pursuing one
- Matt may not necessarily be aiming the posts at a girl since the gender is never hinted at, and if it was for a girl then he would have no reason to hide that
- Brings about the question of the possibility of Matt being bi
- Kylan, Blair and Brad are involved somehow
- The photos are not of Matt
  > possibly of the person he is aiming it at
  > The outline just makes Kylan spring to mind
- The cast know
- Matt is not the only one with secrets/a secret relationship as Kylan seems to also be doing the same
  > Coincidental?
  > Possibility of their secret partners being each other (again, may just be wishful thinking)

Let me know what you think in the comments/replies section. Do you agree? If not, what theories do you have to explain everything that has been going on?

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