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(Private chat: Alec👬)

Hey Matty, are you okay?
I know I've been a little M.I.A but I promise I'm not ignoring you or anything

I'm okay, just been doing a little thinking recently

That's cool, just... I'm here if, you know, you ever want to talk
About literally anything

I know and I'm thankful for that
Anyway, how's everything going?
You said you were busy and that you've still got a lot going on

It's been hectic and it's set to get worse

How so?

Blair and Brad set up stuff for me to do but some of the projects overlap so I have to go from one place to another in one day
Like, don't get me wrong, I love all of this but it's exhausting to do it all at once in such a short amount of time

That does sound like a lot of work
Dont you get breaks?

Yeah but its only like a day or two before I'm back to working
The time I do get is spent sleeping or doing something chill to de-stress before I have to start again

I see what you meant when you said that you don't have time to travel right now

My first opportunity at freedom, I'm out of here.
Blair has decided to plan a trip for us three once this is all done

So you wont make it to Toronto anytime soon?
I really want to meet you face-to-face

I really want to meet you too
And see the whole cast in their element
But I am not allowed to argue or see her plans because I'm just meant to enjoy the whole experience and let the other two deal with the rest of the details

I guess it's fair since it sounds like you're going to need that time to relax
We'll figure something out one day

Yes, we will, definitely
So, wanna see some exclusives from today before they get posted in a couple of days?

Are you allowed to do that?

Probably not but I won't tell if you wont 😉

Hit me with the shots
I'm prepared to die because of them anyway and now is as good a time as ever

Okay, a few of the pictures coming right up


@BradTHall: Caught this boy texting someone special while we're all getting food and smiling like a maniac

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@BradTHall: Caught this boy texting someone special while we're all getting food and smiling like a maniac. I'm still happy for him though, I mean, look at him guys

(Tagged: @KylanMonson @BlairLMonson)
@username: Aww, he's so adorable
@username2: After that smile I really want to know who he was texting
@BlairLMonson: He's always smiling when they're texting, why are you only just noticing it?
@BradTHall: Hush, I was just sharing the moment with the fans @BlairLMonson
@KylanMonson: What? Like you do when you get a text from... what was his name again? Begins with B doesn't it... @BlairLMonson
@username3: Oh shit, he called her out 😂😂
@username4: Who?? @KylanMonson you're killing me here (both with that smile and your secrets)
@danielsharman: It's been a long time since I've seen you smile that much @KylanMonson can I meet the person that caused this?
@KylanMonson: Brad is just creating drama, me and the person I was texting at the time are just friends 😝 @danielsharman
@username5: but I bet he wishes they were more 😆😉^^
@username6: omg true, the best relationships usually start out as just friends
@hollandroden: you look good babe 😍 @KylanMonson and Brad took a decent photo for once 😮
@BradTHall: ugh I hate you @hollandroden
@KylanMonson: no you don't, Brad, and thanks beautiful 😙 @hollandroden
@kitkatsmeow: Aww I really want to see this smile in person
@BlairLMonson: have hope because it might still happen 😉😙 @kitkatsmeow
@username7: don't fucking do that @BlairLMonson now I want to see Ky with the cast

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