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Waking up the next morning doesn't feel as bad as he was expecting it, leaving him thankful for his own forethought after coming home to drink water and take some painkillers before he went to bed. He remembers trying to get Brad to do the same but it didn't work so he knows that Brad is definitely going to have a hangover when he wakes up - whenever that may be. Bradley also drank more than Kylan so that increases the chances of a major hangover.

He rolls over when he hears his phone vibrate on the bedside table, smiling tiredly when he sees that the group chat is well and truly alive and that Matt is participating a lot - Matthew stayed pretty sober all night because of filming scheduled for today.


(Group chat: Shadowhoes🔪)
(Participants: Alec👬, Blondie💪, Lewis🎸, Emmy👑, Clary✏, Magnus💅, Luke🚔, Raphael🍷 and Model💯)

Don't any of you have to film, like now?

Morning Ky

Theoretically, yes
But something is wrong with one of the cameras so we're all just waiting around

Plus it's really cold in here so nobody can nap or whatever without getting hypothermia
We were looking for a distraction and thought you would have been up by now

Good morning Matty
Brad probably envies your decision to stay mostly sober right about now
And sounds... fun but I don't envy you since I'm literally still in bed and warm

I'm not surprised
He sure can down a lot of alcohol

It comes with practice
When we drink, we drink as much as we can without blacking out
I wouldn't appreciate seeing the articles the next day if I did drink too much

Happy birthday Kylan ❤
You didn't really give us much forewarning
Literally only found out because of your tweet yesterday

Honestly, how are we meant to celebrate your birthday with you if you don't tell us before the day
Happy birthday though 😙

Happy birthday bro 😉

Happy birthday Kylan 😇
Plus you have to come see us so we can give you hugs to go with these wishes

Sure but later because I have to get ready and go to breakfast with Blair and Brad
Thanks though guys

Happy birthday wolfie🐺

Happy birthday and have a good day Kylan

Happy birthday kid

Thanks everyone

Matthew Quincy Daddario
Why did you not say happy birthday?

Because he's already said it
He saw in my birthday with me until like 2 this morning 😜😂

Thats why you crept in late last night
Naughty Daddario
Why didn't you just stay there instead of risk waking everyone up?

Harry, you didn't tell us about that

Why did you not mention that important detail?

Because I didn't think anything of it at first but now it makes more sense

1. Its not like that. We were just together for pretty much most of the night
2. We started early today and you were my ride to work this morning, Harry.
3. We met properly literally yesterday, chill with the insinuations

Harry, chill bro
Plus, based on the pictures from last night that I saw on Instagram, they were all drinking so coming back late was pretty much a given fact

True that
Plus, he was helping me carry Brad back since my best friend drank too much and decided that he didn't want to walk anymore


I take it that he's a clingy drunk then

Or just a lazy asshole after certain hours
I have to go now or Blair will end up coming in to haul my ass out of bed. I'll drop by later though if I am able to weasel some free time from them 👋


Kylan dresses quickly, styling his hair and brushing his teeth before going to check that Brad is up and ready too. Both guys meet the female of their party by the elevator, where she is waiting with an impatient expression.

"We're here, now please can we go and maybe save the lecture until later when we don't still feel the effects of last night? I'll even pay."

Blair rolls her eyes before shaking her head firmly, " You are not paying since it's your birthday but Bradley will be; whether he agrees to or not."

The other male just waves off the threat, chugging down a bottle of water and some pills to try and lessen the hangover he is experiencing with a vengeance as they ride the elevator down to the lobby, wincing when it chimes as they reach the ground floor. "Fine, whatever."

Blair smiles like a little girl who won the biggest prize at a fair before skipping out, leaving them behind to sluggishly follow as they exchange tired glances.  It seems that Blair is more excited about the prospect of spending her younger brother's birthday together than he is.

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