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Kylan mumbles a thanks as he takes the pre-offered cup from Blair, wrapping his hands around it and watching the small bubbles bursting across the surface of the liquid. She sends him a tight-lipped smile, though he doesn't see it, before sitting down beside her younger sibling.
It's not the first time she has seen her brother like this and she doubts that it will be the last either. He's good at putting on an act for everyone to see but he is actually quite sensitive about what people say to and/or about him.

Bradley watches his friend carefully while absently flipping through the channels, smirking slightly each time he hears a mumbled protest from Blair every time he skips over something she likes. They may like to argue and bicker online for the fun of it but the three of them are actually really close, Kylan having told them both a long time ago that he wouldn't mind if the other two did end up together because they are actually a pretty decent pair when they choose to work together.

"So, who is this Matt I've been hearing about? Anyone special?"

Kylan huffs, placing his cup down after taking a few sips, while rolling his eyes. "Matt's just a friend, I promise you that there is nothing going on and I doubt there ever will be."

Brad turns his attention to the conversation long enough to put in his own opinion. "Sure, Ky. A friend you're constantly texting with. Hell, he put you in a group chat with his best friends."

"They're his cast mates actually but whatever." Kylan quickly corrects the older boy, getting a raised eyebrow from both of them.

Blair laughs slightly, nudging his shoulder before curling up against his side. "I'm just teasing, you know I don't mean any harm. He sounds cool though, and he seems good for you since you're happier now than before, even if that statement doesn't apply very well at this present moment."

Kylan, again, rolls his eyes but gives in to his sister's wishes as he wraps an arm around her and pulls her close to return the embrace. Bradley moves seats to join in shortly after, bored with channel surfing and not wanting to be left out of the affectionate display.

"Thank you, guys, for dragging your asses here to spend time with me even though I should be able to deal with shit like this on my own."

"Hey, I'm your sister, it's my job to be here for you no matter what since you always do the same for me." Blair replies, leaning up to press a kiss to her brother's cheek before resuming her previous position.

"You don't have to go it alone, bro. You have us to help you, and all of your new friends who seem to care so much about you even though they barely know you, you haven't been friends long and you've never even met." Bradley murmurs, squeezing his friends hand in reassurance before the trio fall silent again, content in each others presence and settled enough that none of them care anymore what is happening in the outside world because while they're together, it doesn't matter anymore.


(Private chat: Matty-ew 😷)

Matty-ew 😷:
Hey, I know you said you might go on a technology ban or whatever but I just wanted to make sure that you were feeling better than earlier.
This is the only way I can get hold of you so I would really appreciate it if you text me back, even if it's short, just so I know and can let the others know that you are alright.

Kylan👎 has changed contact name "Matty-ew😷" to "Alec Lightwood🎯"

I'm... better than I was. Don't worry about me, I'll pull myself together like I always do and come back stronger than ever.
I have to.

Alec Lightwood🎯 has changed contact name "Kylan👎" to "Ky💫"

Alec Lightwood🎯:
Don't say it like that, it makes me feel down as well. You shouldn't have to go through this so much so that you are able to say that you're used to it, it's not right.
I hate that nothing I can do will help. It sucks being so well known because anything I say or potentially direct at you will start a shit ton of rumours that would make it all worse.

I know but that's just how it is
Trust me when I say that I know two people who know exactly how you feel, but I guess they have the advantage that they can get away with it since they're already known to be linked to me in the media.

Alec Lightwood🎯:

Your sister is one of the two, that much I know, but who's the other one?

Oh, my friend Bradley. He was on a tv show for a while and has also gone on to work on some pretty awesome movies.

Alec Lightwood🎯:
Wait, he was on Teen Wolf, right?

Yeah, that's the one

Alec Lightwood🎯:

I think you forgot to mention someone else who has been on the show...

Okay, so maybe I was also on the show for a while 😅😅
I definitely didn't gain popularity from it though since my character was kind of an asshole
Blair said it probably wasn't a hard role to play since its my natural state - guess who didn't get dinner made for them that day? 😂

Alec Lightwood🎯:
Wait, you live with your sister? But I thought...
I'm so confused.

Not anymore
When I was still on Teen Wolf I did stay with her because she lived close to set but I've moved now and she just comes round to visit me all the time.

Alec Lightwood🎯:
Oh.. that makes more sense
I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes if you havent noticed

Oh, I've noticed 😂

Alec Lightwood🎯:
That was mean.. but at least it cheered you up a little.

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