Chapter 1.1 - Raiding Party

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If this is my last sunrise, at least it's a good one.

To the west, the sun's first rays were painting the mountain tops orange. Above him, wispy clouds were ablaze. To the east, the vast rolling grasslands of The Endless Plains were silhouetted as the sun peeked over the horizon.

"Beautiful," Alam whispered to himself.

"I didn't know you felt that way," said a voice behind him. Alam turned his head and saw Tajar sitting with his blanket wrapped around his shoulders.

"Not you, idiot, The Plains," smiled Alam as he sat up and wrapped his own woolen blanket around himself. He glanced around the camp. "Are we the first ones up?"

"No, Chief Urlock has walked to the river, and Serik went to check The Trail."

Alam nodded. Serik was the clan's scoutmaster. It was his job to find suitable caravans to raid. Alam reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a chunk of flatbread. He ripped it in half and threw Tajar the larger piece. Before taking a bite he sent a silent prayer to the Heavens.

Please let us all return home in safety.

As he ate, he started rolling up his blanket. Without its warmth, the crisp spring air sneaked through his loose shirt, causing him to shiver.

"When we get back home I need to get a bigger mat and blanket," said Alam. "These hardly covered me last night."

"I knew it!" said Tajar.

"Shh! You'll wake everyone!" Alam hissed.

"I knew there had to be a drawback to you being so tall!" Tajar pressed on, "other than always hitting your head when you enter tents. And being a slower runner. And being an easy target for archers. And looking ridiculous on horseback. Actually, just looking ridiculous in general."

"Alam doesn't look ridiculous," said another voice. Alam and Tajar turned to see Shaleh propped up on her elbows. "At least not all the time," she amended.

"Thank you, Shaleh. You're a big help," Alam replied. "Did you sleep well?"

"In a raiding party surrounded by snoring men? No. Not at all. Actually, since you two are almost men..."

"Almost men?" Alam raised an eyebrow.

"...Maybe you can tell me. Why do men snore so much more than women?"

Alam and Tajar shrugged their shoulders in unison.

"Come join us for breakfast," said Alam. He extended his piece of flat bread towards her.

"Sure," she said as she gathered her blanket around her shoulders, picked up her saddle bag, and padded over to the two young men. "But keep your food, Alam. I have my own."

Alam shifted where he sat to allow space for her next to him. Even so early in the morning, with messy hair, and a face slack from sleep, she was still lovely. Her oval face, dark eyes, and heart shaped lips were hard to stop staring at.

Unlike Alam and Tajar, who wore simple undyed woolen shirts and leggings, Shaleh's knee-length woolen shirt was deep red and had been embellished with delicate cream embroidery of flowers along the hems.

"Do you think Serik will find a suitable caravan for us to raid?" Alam asked.

"The chances are good," Tajar replied. "This early in the spring it's more likely that small, fast caravan will pass this way. Bigger ones will come when the weather is more settled, but they won't be any good for us. Hopefully a small one that we can scare into handing us their goods without a fight is on The Trail."

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