Chapter 19.1 - Freedom

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The cart lurched as it carried Alam, Tajar, and Frost back towards the city of tents. Alam could scarcely remember the loud minutes between them leaving the quarry victorious, and climbing into the back of the cart. The adrenaline was gone leaving him exhausted and grief stricken. He had only known Prall for a short time but had come to like him very much. The senselessness of his death was sickening. He would love to have been able to shut everything out with sleep, but every bump sent a jolt of pain through his shoulder.

Frost slid next to him.

"This may be our only chance to talk without being heard," she said.

"Yes?" prompted Alam.

"What does she want?" Tajar scowled.

"Come closer and I'll tell you," she replied. Tajar shook his head but moved closer anyway.

"I want to make a deal with you," she whispered.

"We trusted you, Frost, but your word is worth nothing now," hissed Tajar.

"The box that Kirill has of yours," she ignored Tajar. "The one you refused to tell both him and Nurlan about?"

"Yes?" Alam prompted.

"I can get it for you."

"How?" asked Alam.

"I will steal it."

"Impossible," said Tajar.

"Not for me."

"And if you get the box what do you want in return?" asked Alam.

"That you let me travel with you to Lasthome."

"Why do you think we are heading there?" asked Tajar.

"Because I'm not an idiot."

"So," said Alam, "if you bring me the box we let you travel with us to Lasthome?"


"I can't believe you, Frost!" Tajar spat. "He saved your life! Twice! You should be doing this out of duty and honour, not trying to make a deal!"

"I repay my debts. But this is not that debt."

"And how can you even be thinking of this now!" Tajar continued. "Did you really care so little about Prall? He trained with you day after day and was in the cages with you for who knows how long, and you haven't even mentioned him!"

"Shut up Tajar!" She reached past Alam and slapped Tajar's face. "You don't know what you're talking about! He was the only person who liked me in the whole world! I used to think there were two others but I see I was wrong." Her eyes filled up with tears which she hastily rubbed away. "I will show my friendship for Prall by avenging his death. Then I will grieve." She closed her eyes, took a breath, tried to put her impassive face back on, and then looked to Alam. "Well, Alam? Deal?"

Alam inspected her, trying to read her. She was a mess of dust, scrapes, smeared tears, and dried blood, but underneath, despite her attempts to hide it, she was clearly heartbroken.

"I agree," he said softly. "But if you try to trick us, or fool us in any way... Actually, I'm too tired to think what we'll do. Just don't."

"Agreed," she replied.

Tajar scooted away shaking his head in disgust.


Alam scrubbed his hands and splashed water on his face. He then changed clothes and inspected himself.

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