Chapter 20.4 - Flight

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Tajar sang quietly to keep their spirits up as he led Alam and Frost through the twisting paths in and around the grey rocks. He kept the river in sight on his right to avoid becoming disorientated. The morning drizzle dampened their spirits as well as their clothes. He led them into a small clearing. In front of him an animal lay dead near the river.

Tajar pulled back on the reins. The moment he recognized it as a horse's head he knew it was an ambush.

"Trap!" he shouted, reaching for his bow.

Too late. From a boulder behind him a bow string twanged. An arrow punched through Tajar's right shoulder. He cried out and threw himself off his horse. Before he could grab its reins the horse bolted. Alam took a few seconds too long to figure out what was going on. His eyes widened at Tajar's back. Before he could do anything, an arrow struck Mist above her shoulder. She reared up. Alam scrambled for his axe. He held onto it but fell clumsily. The ground knocked the wind from his body. He twisted his head around and saw a demon of a man burst from the stone wall. His bow was loaded and pointing at Alam's head. Frost took a shocked intake of breath. Alam let the fury build inside him.

"Move and he dies," threatened the man in a strange accent. The arrow was pointing directly at Alam's face. He would not miss at such close range.

"Tajar?" Alam shouted between gasping breaths. "Are you alright?"

"I'll live."

Alam's fury was building beyond control. He looked at Mist. She was squealing, trying to use her head to dislodge the arrow. He glanced at Tajar. His right arm was useless. His sword was in his left. He looked up at Frost on her horse. She was looking at Gretch impassively.

"Xantia, what are you doing with these barbarians?" Gretch demanded of her.

Alam looked back and forth between Frost and the wild man.

She knows him?

The shock was like water extinguishing his rage.

"My mission of course, Hunter." She swung her leg and dismounted on Alam's side of the horse so that for a few seconds the horse was a barrier between her and Gretch. She looked down at Alam and jerked her head conspiratorially as if telling him to move towards Tajar. She then mouthed a single word to him. Wait.

Wait? Wait for what?

Tajar, who had not seen the interaction between her and Alam, turned on her in rage. "Traitorous little witch!" he shouted.

She held the reins of her panicking horse and moved to face Gretch.

"What are you doing here Gretch? Other than compromising my task and destroying my cover?"

"Liege Marext has sent me to retrieve a box from these thieves."

"Box?" she replied. "Everyone on the Plains seems to want it. The leader of Khashbal wanted it too. What is so special about it?"

"It contains the Rose of Clarisai."

"Clarisai?" Alam blurted out in surprise.

"Does Marext mean to destroy the clans of The Endless Plains?" she asked wide eyed.

"I do not know, and it is none of your business. He does not share his plans with me."

Slowly, Alam rose to his feet.

"Stop barbarian!" Gretch barked.

"I just want to check my friend!" Alam shouted.

"His lung is punctured," stated Gretch . "Unless you are a healer there is little you can do for him except mourn."

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