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Also lil doodle I did of the ancient tree scene. lil Delia is so cute •///•

[heeey I decided to edit this again. I really do love the prologue to this and just wanted a better version so here. I'm trying to edit this entire book before I continue into the sequel -A- Edited March 5th, 2017.]

My legs swung back and forth as I leisurely laid upon a thick branch high above the ground. I watched through half lidded eyes as multicoloured leaves fluttered carelessly in the warm wind that gently carried through the golden wheat field. Birds chirped and flickered through the air and towards the sun that was directly over the tree I was lounging around on.

This was normal-yet boring-for me to lay around on this large, ancient tree and think. I did it often and almost always alone, besides the occasional oaf that tries to follow me everywhere sometimes. Either than that it was just me and this tree that never failed to give me a peaceful, personal sanctuary.

I sighed loudly, my hand reached up and towards the clump of leaves that rustled gently. More leaves shook and broke apart from the branch with grace. Two leaves; one golden and one emerald fell into my hand and I stared at the two before they fluttered away to whatever destiny had planned for them. My hand fell back to my side and lazily hung, my body soon followed and sagged entirely against the bark.

Though my body relaxed my mind didn't and I thought about ten different things every five seconds. My mother, my father, Loki and Thor, everyone I came across today replayed in my mind.

I grunted in annoyance. I basically had to escape in secrecy to have a bit of time to myself. Today they seemed to be extra buggy. Mother with her "Delia this and Delia that!", Father letting her control almost every aspect of my life and Thor with his dumb assumptions. I had to run through a drunken crowd to lose that boy. He always thinks he's welcomed around anyone just because he's a prince.

I snorted and shook my head before I crossed my arms underneath it, my eyelids shutting. I tried my hardest to clear my mind but instead it wandered toward my mother and the left side of my lip went up into a grimace. My body twitched in annoyance and I had to take a second to breathe.

My mother, the goddess of courage, forced me to wear a custom made dress that was far too puffy while the sleeves were embarrassingly long. She said that I'll grow into it and I pray to the stars that I don't since it is uglier than any beast in the whole nine realms. It took almost an hour to put it on only for me to take it off shortly after I showcased it to Levana and mother.

Levana, I almost screamed out loud. My sister, who is the goddess of, of all things, Maturity, was the culprit who told my mother to make me wear that cursed creation. If you came across both my mother and my sister together then you will feel like you were beaten to a pulp afterwards, and they won't have to touch you. Just listening them both talk at the same time tires out anyone, even the King of Asgard. They were an unstoppable force that no one can avoid.

Even my father, the God of kindness, ironically needs a break from them every once in a while. Though he'll never admit it he'll make an excuse to leave them whenever they're in a lecturing mood. I don't blame him, we have that special connection and we always see eye to eye so I understand how he feels.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, it's like this every day. The same thing over and over, mother and sister boss me around while father doesn't spend time with me because he has to train the kingdoms new guard recruits, Thor and his band of misfits flock around me until I have to hide in the most ridiculous place, and the citizens constantly trying to get me to do chores around the area. I was everyone's little doormat and I absolutely despised it. I just want to run through the forest and do whatever I please for all of eternity. Away from everyone at all times.

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