Chapter 6: Run in's

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Delia's P.O.V

It has been over a few decades, about eight decades? I cannot keep up, it might have been a century or two. Every since that night with Thor, I have locked myself in my room. I cannot see him anymore.

I have stopped talking with others, except for my father. My sweet hearted father. He wants me to go outside with him, see what has happened. He knows why I am inside of my room all through the days. I told him the night that I have defied my father and mother. He is okay with it, but my mother is not.

She likes that I am in my room and away from everyone else. She says it is a punishment for going against her word. I belong in this room for not listening. For being a 'deaf child'. She has gotten a little aggressive lately. Mother would scold me for messing up at times on the little things. And if I dared to talk back she would yell, hit me with anything BUT her hand, and locks me in a closet after.

I've grown so lonely and I'm guessing cold hearted. Whenever Levana would come to me with a smile, she would leave with a solemn expression. I cannot stand to be near anyone anymore. They all irritated me. When ever I do go out, people would smile to me and try to talk to me. But I can't stand them.

They're too nice, I'm used to the cruelness of my mother. All that I have ever done now a days is listen and stand in a shadow. My mother wants me to go in her foot steps. If I do not I am a disgrace to all, and no one wants to be a disgrace.

Everyone knows now by my mother calling me 'Deaf Child' instead of my child. She tells be everyday that I am deaf, that I can't hear straight. That I need to learn from every mistake I have made as an Asgardian. She reminds me everyday what wrongs I have done. If Mother will not let it go, then I will not let go.

I do not have much to say about the decades I have been in my room. Everyday is the same, the nights never change, I'm trapped forever. It's like an on going nightmare that no one can wake up from.

"Delia," mother strictly said to me through the door. I perked up and looked to my door, paying attention to her like she always told me to do. "I am going to go to Yggdrasil for council. Behave while I am gone, okay Deaf Child?"

I did not respond.

"Good. See you soon." And with that, she left.

I sighed and returned my boring gaze to my window. I saw as the carriage that my mother was in disappeared in the crowd of people. Wait, mother has gone, sister is with Arion, Father is busy practicing the students...

I'm free.

For a short time, of course...

I rushed to my closet and flung it open, ripping a fire red adventure dress from it. It was long sleeved, and reached to my knees. It had a turtleneck affect and made of soft fleece. I quickly peeled off the poofy dress I was wearing and pulled the new dress on. It slimmed along my body perfectly, giving off the look of a woman. (A/N It's Sort Of Like Arriety's Dress From The Secret World of Arriety. Have You Guys Seen It Yet? IT'S AMAZING!)

I pulled my amber mixed hair into a tight pony tail.(A/N LIKE ARRIETY) A few loose curls stuck out but I could care less. I buckled on my belt that carried my medium sized rapier along with a pouch of healing stones. Also, I strapped my spell book onto my belt, you can never be over prepared.

I slipped on my light brown, clean leather boots that were barely used. I shoved my hands into my leather brown gloves that reached to my wrists. I smoothed out my dress and gave one last look at my full body mirror. I smiled at how lively I looked in years, it's been so long since I have seen my emerald eyes spark.

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