Let's Go Nena

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Diablo's POV

"So what's with the tape around your arms? And the Tattoo's? Bad girl wanna be?" Slipknot asked her."I wouldn't mess with Baby Satan either-""what's she gonna do cut me, girls afraid of two cops she can't do anything" he cut Deadshot off. Deadshot put his hands up in defeat walking away. "So how come you had different prison clothes with that small jumpsuit and converse? " Digger asked. "And what are you daddy's little devil?" "Tu hijo de puta nunca habla de mi familia o te mando al infierno" she yelled. "Damn, thats hot. What'd she say?" Boomer asked. I shook my head and decided not to translate that.

"Hold up are those Freddy Krueger gloves and grim reaper sword thing?" Deadshot asked coming back into the conversation. Lucinda nodded her head but stayed quiet.

I couldn't help but stare at her features. The tattoo on her stomach and back, the scars on her legs and back, not to mention the ones I saw earlier on her arms. Her long black hair with red highlights. The piercings on her belly button, nose, lip, and ears. And her outfit made her look hot. I could tell all the other guys thought the exact same thing. Dammit Diablo don't do this, you're gonna get her killed!

Lucy's POV

"Hold up are those Freddy Krueger gloves and grim reaper sword thing?" Floyd asked. I smiled and looked down at the gloves sharpening one with the other. There was a moment of silence and when i looked up all the guys were staring at me. Mostly Diablo, Floyd, Flag, and Aussie. Harley noticed that i felt uncomfortable and snapped her fingers gaining the boys' attention. We walked back to Rick and he was working on the tablet. "Behold the voice of god" he said

Rick's POV

"Behold the voice of god" i said. I saw Lucinda wince and i sent her an apologetic look. I never do this to a criminal but i honestly felt bad for Lucy.

"For those of you who don't know me officially my name is Amanda Waller.There's a crisis in the midway city. I want you to enter the city, rescue HVT-1 and bring them back safely"

"I'm sorry uhhh... For those of us who don't speak good guy what's HVT-1?" Deadshot asked.

"Princeps scopum Value" said Lucy, we all looked at her confused then to Diablo for a translation. "Don't look at me I speak Spanish not Latin" he said putting his hands up in defeat."Objetivo de alto valor" she spoke again. "She said High Value Target" Diablo said not taking his eyes off her. "And you know this how?" Amanda and I asked."Mi ex mejor amigo era un superhéroe y se ocupó de esa mierda" she said. "Her former friend was a superhero" Diablo explained. "Okay then, yes High Value Target and the only person you can't kill. Complete the mission you get time off you're prison sentence, except Lucinda, you know you reward" Amanda said, Lucy nodded her head in understandment while everyone else looked confused."Fail the mission you die." everyone but Lucinda, Slipknot, and Capt. Boomerang seemed phased by  this. "Anything happens to Colonel Flag I'll kill every single one of you, remember, I'm always watching"

"There's your pep talk" i said to Lucy and Floyd. "Compared to you she killed it." I was about to continue until Lucy screamed in pain. She grabbed her collar trying to pry it off. "Griggs stop this!" I yelled. "It's not me, i don't have the remote and it's not 8 yet!" he yelled. We all ran to Lucy all of us trying to take her cuffs off and collar. "Stop right there." Lieutenant Edwards said. "She broke the rules, she needs to be punished" "What Rules" Harley and Floyd Yelled over Lucy's crying. "What the hell does that do to her!" I yelled. "It injects her with Holy Water, she talked without being spoken to." Griggs stole the remote from him smashing it on the ground. "That girl is a girl of few words and you know that" Griggs said to him.

Diablo's POV

Lucy stopped crying in pain but she stayed on the ground clutching her neck. "Lucinda you okay?" Griggs and Rick asked. She slowly nodded her head. "What the fuck is this some type of suicide squad?" Floyd asked. (Ik that's not the line but go with it) Rick shrugged his shoulders and stood up. "Alpha Bravo team mount up, we leave in twenty" He said getting on the Plane. Harley tried to get Lucy up but couldn't. Lucy stood up wobbly but regained her balance. She nodded her head telling us she was okay. We got on the plane after Rick but i stayed behind. Lucy noticed and told Harley to go ahead. She walked over to me, well, more like limped, and put her hand on my shoulder "Esta Bien?"(You Good?) she asked in a whisper. I nodded my head and started walking. I look back to see Lucy staring at the sky and back at the confinement tubes "Lets go Nena" i said. She sighed and slowly walked to the plane, she sat across from me and deadshot in between Rick and Slipknot.

Lucy's POV

I got in the plane in between Rick and Braids. We took off for about an hour and landed in another base. We stayed there until a woman jumped on board just as we were about to take off "Your late." Rick said. "Isogashikatta" "This is Katana, she's got my back, she can slice you all in half with a single sword strike, like a lawn mower, I wouldn't get on her bad side if i were you, her sword traps the souls of it's victims" he yelled over the sound of the plane.

"Harley Quinn nice to meetcha, that's my girlie Lucinda" Harley said sticking her hand out. At this point I undid my seatbelt so I could sit next to Harley and Katana wouldn't kill her." I love your perfume, what is that the stench of death?!" she asked, i chuckled while Katana went for her, well katana. She asked "Watashi wa sorera o korosubekidesu ka?" "Whoa it's not that type of mission cowgirl" he said, I got up and sat in between Floyd and Harls while Katana sat where I was. I looked down to see Harls texting Mr. J my eye's lit up since I missed him. I glanced at Ricks watch and it said 7:55 i tensed up but just played it off. I glanced at it again and it said 7:59, the minute the clock hit 8 I winced but nothing happened. I look over to Griggs and Edwards and they just act like everything's normal. I look back down to see Harley telling Mistah Jay about the nanites.

"Want me to get your nanite out or did you do it?" Harls whispered looking at me. "I got it, worry about yourself." i whispered back. After a while Digger spoke up."Oí is he suppose to be green like that?" he asked referring to Croc. After that KC threw up on the floor. Harley plugged her nose and said, "Ew, party pooper, not cool dude" she said. I looked at Rick and Griggs for permission. They nodded their heads. I got up and got guns pointed at me. "She's helping" Griggs said. I helped the soldiers clean up the puke and gave KC a pill so he'd fall asleep till the end of the flight. When i sat back down all eyes were on me. "What's with the Gloves and Scythe?" Floyd asked. I looked at Griggs since i didn't wanna tell the story i knew he'd do it for me."The Freddy Krueger Gloves are a present from her uncle, Freddy Krueger, yes he exists and lives in hell. The scythe is also a gift from the grim reaper aka death who is also her uncle. She's a demon which is why the cuffs injected her with Holy water, the Devil is her father and that's why her alias is Baby Satan" he said. After that Diablo spoke up, "Shouldn't you have powers if you're a demon?" This time Harley answered, "Yeah but she, well she doesn't like to use them after some incidents happened" Rick looked at me confused but I ignored it. "She's still hesitant about using the gloves and scythe." "Not the only one" Diablo muttered.

*Time Skip*

Diablo's POV

"Ooooo, look at the pretty lights, Lu are you seeing this?" Harley asked, Lucy smiled and nodded looking out the window, she looked over at me and gave me a smile. Deadshot and Rick were talking but i just stared at Lucy, she looked adorable, Diablo! You can't think like this, remember what happened last time! "Oí hot head, you're staring" Boomer said. I looked away and stared at the ground, I heard Floyd and Boomer chuckle. "What chy'all laughin  at." Harley asked. "Oh nothing" Floyd said

Lucy's POV

I looked out the window and saw a swirling light, it looked dead on familiar but i couldn't put my finger on it. I heard Harls talking but i was focused on where I've seen that light before. "I give up" i whisper to myself. I sit back down only to fall on the floor. Something hit the plane. I see KC wake up and he panics as well. The plane got hit again and Floyd grabs my arm pulling me to him.

Floyd's POV

The plane got hit and i see Lucy fall to the floor. The plane got hit again and i grab Lucy pulling her to my lap. I saw her gloves turn into bracelets which i was grateful for. I held her by the arm and waist making sure she didn't fall. The plane got hit once more but Lucy fell from my grip and she flew straight into the door of the cockpit. She started laughing along with Harley until we crashed.

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