I'm Scared ... Powers

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Lucy's POV

We were walking when the group suddenly started hiding behind cars and stuff but Floyd and I kept walking, we stopped for a second to look at them and I knew this was the building. "What do you say we get this over with"  Floyd said turning to Flag. We turned back around and started walking, As Floyd opened the door the glass shattered making me laugh, he glared at me and we walked inside with everyone else following. "OH computers, I'm gonna see someone's browser history" I said getting on the computer. Flag and Lawton were looking at the eight monitors while I was going through someone's history and let me tell you it wasn't pretty.

"Psst, Luce, let's go" Harley said motioning for me to follow her. I did as told and she led to Delete repeated word an elevator, we got on and started moving, I giggled as Harley waved to the team. "He's almost here, are you sure you don't want your nanite disabled. I took my rice grain sized nanite out of my pocket and showed it to her. "Let's see if I can send it somewhere else" I said, I thought of the place we were at where we first saw the soldier alien like things and the nanite was lifting into the air as I thought of the passage way back, I couldn't actually see the way so I was relying on how far me telekinesis went and my memory. "That should be good enough" . I whispered, Harley texted Joker one more thing before putting her phone away.

I looked up to see a soldier thing crash to the glass. "Harls!" I yelled, I retracted my gloves but the soldier alien grabbed them and they dissolved. "You little shit!" I yelled. I used my psycho to send him into the air falling on the ground. Another came and attacked Harls but she hit it with her bat and her and I got back to back as she walked up the side of the elevator and landed on the thing. I grabbed another by the throat burning it. "Sweetie calm down! Your Eye's they're turning black!" Harley yelled. "I'm sorry it's just, the gloves, they're gone." I whispered. Three more broke in through the roof and as Harley beat one with the bat I burned the other two by their 'heads'. As Harley fixed her make up I put my hair up in a genie ponytail.

 As Harley fixed her make up I put my hair up in a genie ponytail

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The elevator door opened and everyone got ready to fight. "Hey guys" Harley and I said with a smile. "Come on" We said as we walked away.

"Hold" Rick said holding a hand up."Use extreme caution." He said." I don't like this Rick" I whispered to him. "I know- where are your gloves?" "Black soldier things took them" I said, he handed me a knife and I turned it down. "How are you gonna fight?" "I'm scared to but I have to use my powers. I'm allowed to use Pyro and Psycho" I explained, he nodded his head as we kept walking." I don't like this flag" Floyd said. "I don't either." He responded. Floyd grabbed his white mask putting it on.  "Pussy" Harley and I muttered walking past him." I will knock your asses out. I don't care if you're girls" he said. Harley and I laughed but I heard Kc Growl towards the ceiling. "Kc? Everything good?" I asked, he shook his head.

The black soldiers came down like pouring rain and attacked us. I just froze, like I was glued to my spot, I couldn't move, I remembered seeing these things, they were in the cave, the night I got the necklace. I took the necklace from my pocket putting it on. I remembered the lady saying this can help me with my powers. I stuck out my hands at the 5 monsters in front of me but instead of fire, ice came out. "You have ice powers!?" Harley exclaimed getting eye's on me. I ignored her and tried to lift up the monster but instead levitated and blew up making me fall on my back, I screamed feeling something stab into my shoulders and the building started to shake. I slapped a hand over my mouth to see most of the monsters dead and everyone covering their ears.

I stood and backed up in fear of what I might do next. I started getting cold myself, I was shivering since I was freezing cold. "Nena!" I heard Chato say, I looked back at him but I didn't move. "Chica, look at you, you're turning into a demon popsicle." He said, he took a step towards to me but I backed up, I saw the Team surrounding Rick but I felt a presence behind me, Diablo's eye's widened and he was about to pull me away but I quickly turned around and shot a fireball but it turned into an ice ball, I was still freezing cold but I felt a jacket wrapped around me. "Chato no I'm fi-""Don't say you're fine, you're turning blue." "Baby Satan, let's go we need your help!" Floyd yelled. "Thanks Chato" I said, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran back to the gang. I focused on burning the Monsters. "Hey hot head we could use your help." Digger Yelled." Let's play a game, who can kill the most frozen fuckers" I said, I focus on fire, ice comes out, somehow. I aimed for the legs but 3 of them grabbed me and tried to drag me away, hence the word tried, I grabbed their heads freezing them and Harley shot both of them.

I saw a familiar boomerang go through the last one but the boomerang got me too. "Lucy!!!" Harley screamed. I was whimpering in pain as I collapsed on the floor. Everyone surrounding me. "Man Down! Correction Demon-Devil-Girl down!" Rick yelled. "Sheila I'm so sorry!" Digger said putting my head onto his lap. "It's not your fault"  I said, I was clutching my stomach in pain trying to stop the blood pouring out. My healing factor was blocked because of the stupid cuffs and collars and the necklace changed my fire into ice and my telekinesis into levitation and blowing up. "Oh god, Satan Baby down" I heard Floyd mutter. "Never thought I'd hear that sentence in my life."  I said, I sat up but I was in immense pain. The cut on my wrist from the scythe didn't hurt as bad and the one from Boomers boomerang didn't hurt as bad either but this one was deep and in my stomach. "Lucy how can we help!?" Rick and Edwards asked. "So now Edwards cares?" I asked, my breathing was slowing down a lot. "I feel no pulse!" Harley said checking for my pulse. "I don't have one Harls, never had one and never will have one, I basically have no heart" I said. "You might...Not like this... But.." I said slurring my words I was about to pass out. "THE COLLAR! You have to take out the collars, it blocks her healing factor" Harley yelled, I very slowly nodded my head and laid down again, I didn't know whose lap I was resting on but I felt very warm. "You'll be okay Nena" I heard him say, I was with Chato. "She said that she was able to use that power since they didn't know about it." Floyd said. "Mentí"  I whispered, I saw spots everywhere. I was blacking out. "What?" "She lied" Chato said.

"Si uti non potuerit necne, sed certatum injiciebatur aqua nunquam iterum ego mentitus sum mentitus" (I didn't know if could use them or not, I tried before but I was injected with holy water, I never tried again, I lied, I lied.)I said, I couldn't speak Spanish anymore, no one could understand me. "C'mon Nena stay with us." Diablo said, I knew he was panicking. "Chica please don't leave us" I hear Chato whisper in my ear. I tried to answer but I couldn't talk. I felt something being taking off of me, the cuffs, they left, my wrists were free! I felt myself heal but just barely. "Take the necklaces off" I said in a whisper, Diablo heard me and lifted my head taking all three necklaces off. I felt hands behind my neck and the collar came off. I started healing, faster, my stomach, my hand, whatever stabbed into my shoulder, and my arm. They all healed. I felt all my energy as I stood up light headed. "Thanks" I said to Rick, I knew he was the one that took off the torture devices. He gave a nod and a small smile and we all walked.

"So no one's going to acknowledge that she almost died?" Digger asked. "I'm a Devil, it takes a shit ton of work to kill me, the worst that would've happened is I go back to hell for 3 hours and come back peachy and reborn." I said looking back at him, we went to the ledge and everyone was shooting at the aliens across. "Hot head, blow em up!" Digger said,I did as told and it worked, without the necklace. More came from behind me and one grabbed me by the neck tried to drag me of but Katana Beheaded it. "Thanks K" I said, she nodded her head getting back to work. I grabbed the necklace from the floor and put them on, all three. Then I remembered, I can't, I can't, I'm not gonna kill them.

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