This is Unreal

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Lucy's POV                                                      *1 Year Later*

"Chato!" I yelled walking into our room to see him asleep on the bed. "Nene" I said in a sing song voice walking over to his side of the bed. I walked out and went over to the stairs. "Boomer I need your help" I said. "With?" "Waking up Diablo" "It's 3 in the after noon, fire boy should be up by now" He said getting off the couch with his beer in hand. "Well he had a long night" I said. "That's my boy!" Floyd said. "Not that kind of night pendejo!" I yelled at him. "Okay, you know the drill, I spill beer on him he wakes up on fire you freeze him he melts it and you owe me beer" Boomer said walking into mine and Chato's room. After the thing with enchantress the effects the necklace she gave stuck to me. I was able to control the elements, blow anything up, I had sonic scream, and I could turn invisible along with all my other abilities. I sat next to Chato putting my hand on his arm and Boomer spilled the beer on him making him wake up on fire. I froze him and the bed and gave boomer the beer I owed him. "Have fun" He said walking out the room. The ice started to melt and turned into steam. "Por qué? (Why) Why do you have to wake me up like that?" Chato asked sitting up. "Cuz it's 3 pm and you're still asleep" I said.

"Kids! Daddy's home!" Tio Freddy said coming into the house. "Tio!" I said sounding like  5 year old on Christmas. I ran down stairs and tacked him in  hug. about 3 months after Amanda made this deal with us she started letting my uncles come and visit when they're up from hell to work, obviously Tio Muerto visits us more the Freddy. "Freddy, good to see ya!" Harley said walking out of the kitchen. "Nice to see you too Harley, where's my boy!? Diablo!?" Tio called, Diablo walked out of our room in a t-shirt and sweatpants. "Hola Freddy" He said. "There's my boy" Tio said hugging him. "Watch the glove Tio!" I yelled. "My bad, my bad" Tio said. "Why do I feel a disturbance in the- oh hey Freddy" Kc said walking out of his room. "Ah, Crocodile, how you doing?" He asked following Kc. I laughed and looked back at Diablo grabbing his arm and dragging him to our room. The minute I closed the door Diablo crashed his lips on to mine. I instantly kissed back i felt his tongue across my bottom lip asking for permission I decided to tease i felt his hand move down and squeezed my ass.

"Honey you've tried that one" I said smirking. "Have I tried this?" He asked attacking my neck. I bit my lip as we back up falling on the bed. We both laughed Diablo pressed his fore head against mine. "Hey Lovebirds, stop making out and come downstairs, Freddy brought pizza" Floyd said. "In a minute!" I yelled. "Minute my ass young lady you get out here right now" He yelled. "Young lady my ass bish i'm older than you!" I yelled making Chato laugh. "Freddy your niece is fighting me!" Floyd yelled. I heard his footsteps go downstairs. Diablo and I continued our make out session. He his hand was on my thigh and i had my arms wrapped around his neck He started unbuttoning my flannel when there was a knock at the door. "Mother fucker!" He yelled. 

I laughed and got up buttoning my flannel opening the door seeing no one there. "Daddy!" I yelled running down the stairs seeing my dad there. "My princess, it's so good to see you!" He said. "How'd you know he was here?" Chato asked walking down the stairs. "He always does that, he knocks on my door and makes a run for it." I said. "That's the only way she knows it's me" Dad said. "Well good to see you Lucifer" Chato said. "Right back at ya my boy" Dad said. "It's Family night my bitches!" June yelled as she came in with pizza boxes along with Freddy, Rick and Katana. "Hold up where's Kc, Boom, and Floyd?" I asked seeing Harley, Josh, and Tyler were the only ones on the couch. "They're bringing in the wings and sodas" Rick said. "Wait you guys bought this?" I asked. "Freddy bought half and you know me so i bough the other half" He said. Rick as trust issues considering Tio Freddy scares the shit out of him.

Floyd, Kc, and Boomer came in with boxes on wings and sodas along with some beer for Boomer, Kc, and I. "Whiskey!" I squealed seeing Boomer with three boxes of Johnny Walker. "What's the occasion, you guys never let us have whiskey for no reason" Josh asked. "Lucy's birthday" Floyd said. "It's not my birthday" I said, "Yes it is" Boomer said. "Ah Honey no it ain't, my birthday's in October and it's July" I said. "Okay you know what there's like, what, 13 of us, one of us is bound to have a birthday in July" June said. "I'm a December baby" Tyler said. "June baby" Was Josh's response. "September!" Floyd said. "My birthday was on the 2cd, you're too late" Harley said. "I'm March" Boomer said. "November" Rick said with a smirk sitting on the couch next to Harley. "February" Chato and Katana said at the same time. "August" Kc said. "Seriously none of us have a birthday in July that's coming up?" June asked. "Tio Freddy is June and Daddy doesn't have a birthday" I said. "Well Happy belated birthday Harley" June said. 

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