Joker vs Baby Satan

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My lovely Demons, Angels, and Dealers the first Chapter of the second book is up, the book is called Joker vs Baby Satan and it has no cover yet but if Any of you have an idea of covers please send them to me. My Instagram is @dariselyanelie dm me a cover idea or if you made a cover send it over and if you don't have Instagram then just tag me on here and text me telling me you've made one, also the character making issue is still up I need a lot of character ideas and here is what you shall submit down below...

•Basic info•
Alias (not their actual name, what people know them as):

D.O.B (Date of Birth):

Relationship with the Suicide Squad (If Any):

Fighting Outfit {I suggest you use Polyvore for an outfit, (product placement 😉)}:
•physical features•
Other noticeable mark(s):

Physical strength(s):
Physical weakness(es):
•about him/her•




Please don't hesitate to submit a character there is about an 95% chance your character will be added to my story and I will give you credit for it, same goes for the book cover if you decide to make one. Now that's the end for this book but go check out Joker vs Baby Satan the first chapter is up and ready. ANd by the way, I'm letting you guys decide what I call you, there are 3 choices, as you read up there. We have Demons, Angels, and Dealers. But I also thought of calling you guys my Antichrists. So choose whichever one you'd like for me to call you. Please submit a character for book 2 I need about 10 more and if you need help a couple of people submitted Characters already you can go check with them and maybe they can help you. Until next time my...

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